Part 4 - The Dance of Blades

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Sei brought her blade down in a two-handed strike, Kozen blocking it successfully but taking a few steps backward. The girl raised the lightsaber in her right hand, slashing horizontally. Kozen blocked again and raised his right hand forward. Anzu gasped as Sei suddenly flew backward several feet before regaining her balance.

Kozen charged forward to take advantage of Sei's broken guard, but the girl recovered quickly and parried both of his strikes. The two duelists continued slashing and blocking, each trying to find an opening but neither giving ground.

Anzu gazed in awe, paying no attention to Chai's giggles at his dumbfounded expression. He watched the blades dance through the air, their gentle humming contrasting the loud flashes of light when they collided again and again.

Suddenly Kozen reached out and pulled on Sei's braid. Sei let out a yelp and, deactivating her lightsaber, dropped it to the ground and punched the boy in the stomach. Kozen stumbled back, trying to get air back into his lungs, only to take a left hook to his face. He fell, his lightsaber turning off as it rolled out of his hand. Sei reached out with her right hand toward her lightsaber. Anzu managed to keep his jaw from dropping when the cylinder flew into the girl's open hand.

Sei reactivated the green blade and pointed it at Kozen. After taking a few breaths, she said, "I believe victory is mine."

Kozen only nodded his head, rubbing his jaw with his right hand. He finally said, "Why'd you punch me twice?"

The girl deactivated her lightsaber and put it back in its pouch, "The first was for pulling my hair. The second was to end the match. We shouldn't keep our masters waiting."

The four children looked toward the library door, where both Master Ayfelda and Master KazNor stood. Anzu noticed that Chai was already standing and quickly got up from his chair. Kozen picked up his lightsaber and got himself to stand straight, although he still nursed his punched face.

The two Jedi Masters made their way down to the two duelists. Master Ayfelda nodded to Sei, "You have demonstrated your skill, young Bo. It appears that your tutelage has been fruitful." She then turned to Kozen, "Your form has improved, yet your frustration continues to hinder your progress." She rested her hand on his bruised cheek. "Control your emotions, don't let them drive your actions." The Padawan tried to smile but winched at the effort, looking at Sei with begrudging respect.

Master KazNor waved to Chai and Anzu to come down to the courtyard. Once the two joined the group, the floating Jedi spoke in its quiet voice, "Master Ayfelda and I have adjusted our training program. We shall have two lightsaber combat sessions each day here in the courtyard, in the mornings in pairs and at night as a group, with time for personal training between library studies, Force meditation, and planetary excursions. The pairs shall be as follows: I will train Padawan Chai; Master Ayfelda, Padawan Kozen; and Padawan Sei, Padawan Anzu.

Anzu's heart leapt when he heard himself named as Padawan, but fell again when he saw the horror on Sei's now pale face. The dark-haired Padawan stammered out, "I-I can't train him, I'm a mere Padawan. Surely I'd be better with Chai or-" quickly glancing at the hurt boy "-even Kozen." The boy was about to protest the remark but saw Master Ayfelda shaking her head at him.

Sei said, "I have yet to complete my train-." Master KazNor held up its hand and said, "You've demonstrated that your lightsaber skills and Force sensitivity match those of some Jedi Knights. I believe that you're up to the task of training a small Force-wound." Sei seemed to be uninspired by the comment, but Anzu started thinking about what the Jedi meant.

The term "Force-wound" seemed to describe his condition accurately, but the adjective KazNor used, 'small', made him worried what would happen should it worsen. He then noticed the floating Jedi hold out a red cloth bundle out to him, its tendrils gently unwrapping it. Once the package was revealed, Anzu grinned with excitement. Before him sat the black handle of a lightsaber, its metal length occupied by a few buttons and the scratched-out etching of a four-pointed star. Next to the lightsaber was a long steel bead braid ending at a round silver disk bearing a star with two wings.

KazNor picked up the braid and attached it to the boy's short hair, tucking it behind his right ear. Anzu knew that the alien was happy, and its voice was warm as it said, "You're officially a Padawan now. Your training begins now." The boy picked up the lightsaber, holding the handle up and pressing one of the buttons to activate it.

A red blade shot forth, its light casting an eerie glow across the now darkened building. Kozen stepped back with wide eyes while Chai hid herself behind Master KazNor. Anzu furrowed his brow, wondering why they were both scared. He then looked at Sei, the only Padawan who hadn't moved from her spot. Her hand was on her lightsaber pouch, her eyes focused on the red blade.

Master KazNor spoke, "I have given you the blade of a former Sith warrior who was captured in battle. He too was tainted by the Dark Side, although not in the same manner as yourself. Instead of executing him, the Council sent him to me for training. Overtime he learned how to connect with the Light Side of the Force, eventually forsaking his violent past and leaving to live a life of peace. He left me this saber with the hope that others afflicted by the Dark Side might find their way here and see the good in the galaxy."

The alien then floated away to the stairs, Master Ayfelda motioning Chai and Kozen to join them. Sei and Anzu faced each other, lightsabers glowing in the dark room. Both breathed in, and soon joined their blades together, making a smaller but still beautiful dance of blades.

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