Life hacks

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I found these on the Internet!

1. Buying 2 McDonald's 4 McNuggets boxes is cheaper than 1 six pack of McNuggets!

2. Holding the "close elevator door" button whilst holding down the floor you need to go to will get you to the floor with out stopping for others just keep both buttons held!
"These are used by police in most country's in emergency situations"

3. Febreeze kills ants on contact and will leave your house smelling nice😄!

4. Have gum on your shoes or in your hair (if your a women) leave an ice cube pushed against it for a couple minutes and this will freeze the gum making it come right off!

5. Although parents say it's bad, video games will help with hand coordination without looking! (Take that mom! Can I still play them? Oh ok😢)

6. Understand Kenny on south park ? Of course you don't but if you put on captions it will tell you everything he says!

7. Hangovers only are bad because the alcohol drains your hydration so when you go to a pub drink some water with the alcohol so you won't have a bad hangover and you will feel pretty good!

8. In a maze put your right hand on the side of the maze and eventually you will make it to the end.

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