Chapter Two

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The Vatican is run by a bunch of old people with old ways of thinking. Not a vibe. Of course it's a stereotype but that's to be expected since they are so wise and full of wisdom and know more.

They know the right to wrong. They know best. It only makes sense that they judge over someone like me, who had not clue about his family tree till two hours ago. But what do I know? I'm just a not so human teenager.

The shackles cuffed tightly onto my wrist and ankles are so constricting that I'm certain my blood flow is being cut off. I was being pulled by a collar clicked around my neck, like some sort of dog. If I had any pride before this day it flew out the window the moment they cuffed me like so. The guard pushed me towards the podium, it was weirdly tall for a podium but that's because the Vatican is several feet in the air. Talk about power move.

Their faces are covered by intricate shalls with gold designs and a singular color palette. Very fancy.

"Today is March 16, 2012, 3:20 pm. We stand here today for the judging of Haruma Ichiro, a half breed," a smooth female voice spoke from amongst the people before me. With the faces covered it was hard to see who was speaking and who wasn't.

My throat felt dry and itchy. I don't know how long I've been down here, there are no windows or clocks to tell time wherever they brought me.

Another voice spoke, this one more gnarly and rough. "From what we've gathered, this boy... is his son. Though we thought nothing of it when we found that book of his, we allowed ourselves to make a mistake. Allowing this half breed to walks amongst us. That—"

"If I may, sir." Like a kid in school I raised my hand up to gain attention. "Are you really considering killing me because I'm half demon?"

"Don't be stupid boy, of course we are!" He sounded offended.

"Well, then, that's complete bullshit!"

The gaps around the room were like pinballs. "I— I beg your pardon?"

"You heard me, bullshit! Why the hell should I have to pay for the actions of my parents? I never asked to be born. I was just... conceived." I wavered, shifting nervously as the Vatican grew silent. Restless. Uncertain. Yet I stood my ground. I had caught them off guard.

I've dipped my feet into dangerous waters with prey twice the size of me that could, and would, swallow me whole with quick and precise moves.

"You piutenant child! Ho—" A new voice, much more mischievous and had secrets hidden with every word spoken.

"Now, you'll get more wrinkles with that look on your face! But the boy is right, it's unfair for you to pass judgment on him for the decisions his parents made for themselves." The voice matched well with who it belonged to but it caught me so off guard I almost fell down.

Huh, who know? That a clown would save my ass.

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