Chapter 2. Sip, sip, sip!

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Remember, as Lulu observed earlier, after a while one can get used to almost anything. She waited and waited and waited. But to be completely honest, boredom was one of the most difficult things to get used to. Still, Lulu did the best she could.

Well, I'm sure that the authorities have many important things to do! she reminded herself. Then she glanced to the left, and caught sight of herself in the mirror. Sit up straight! she reprimanded herself and took a moment to study herself in profile. She had to admit that, over all, she looked rather good sitting on a stool. Except for the shoes. The wrong shoes can certainly ruin a good outfit! She sat up straighter. She tried crossing ankles demurely; she tried crossing her legs not so demurely. She turned her back to the mirror, and looked over her shoulder. Well, I definitely look good from the back. But which is my best side? (Of course, she already knew her best side but what the heck, it wouldn't hurt to check again, not that it was likely to change anytime soon.)

Next Lulu bunched up her hair, then fancied it down, then up, then - well you get it – until she decided; Down it is. Besides I have no way of putting it up. Or making a ponytail. Then she stretched. Wow! That felt good. Whatever can be taking so long? She tried meditating to pass the time, although she wasn't really clear on how meditation was supposed to work, or even if it really did work.

Finally, after an interminable length of time, maybe longer, a most unusual rat came around the corner of Junk Mail Mountain as Lulu had named it. He stopped with a start when he saw Lulu. Now, normally Lulu would've been freaked out by a rat but she had been so bored for so long she welcomed the distraction, if that is indeed what it was. And this was a very curious rat indeed. He walked on his hind legs, wore a bowler hat and carried a big black bag. There was a tiny earring in his left ear and a gold chain around his neck with the words challenge authority in bold letters hanging from it. Lulu found those words very disconcerting.

Then, wouldn't you know it, the rat walked right up to where Lucy was perched on the stool and smiled a smirky smile. "Good day," said he. Lulu crossed her ankles, made sure that her knees were tight together and tugged at her skirt. "Good day," she said politely.

The rat walked slowly around the stool.

Why he's checking me out! And Lulu blushed quite a marvelous shade of crimson. The rat stopped very near her right shoe and bowed deeply. "Dr. Rat at your service." he said.

"I really don't need any service," responded Lulu.

"I can make you happy

I can make you sad

I can make you feel good

I can make you very, very bad." (and with that he winked.)

Typical rat, Lulu thought to herself, but out loud all she said was, "No thank you."

"You can be big

you can be small

you can be anything,

anything at all."

"No thank you!" said Lulu with added emphasis, if you know what I mean.

"You can sleep

you can snooze

no need to sip the booze!" he hummed.

"NO THANK YOU!" said Lulu.

"Ah yes! Just say no!" said the rat. Then he laughed uproariously as if he had made a joke.

"I already have," said Lulu, "more than several times."

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