The Announcement

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It was a typical day in the meeting room of the Olympians

Hera was screaming at Zeus for his cheating

Artemis and Apollo were having their usual petty sibling squabble

Ares is sharpening his sword not even pretending to care

Aphroditie and Hephaestus were having having a make out session

Hermes Hestia Demeter and Posiden were all bumming booze off of Dionysus

And Hades trying in vain to get something productive done for the first half hour until giving up an started Iris messaging his beloved Persephone

You know the usual...

That is until an unexpected guest came in

The first to notice was Apollo

"Oh Hi Auntie!" The Sun God said with a smile

The rest of the Olympians turned to seen nome other then Queen Amphitite

"Sorry I can see that your...busy..." The Sea Queen said with a raised eye brow know full well that the Olympians weren't getting shit done "...but I have something important to say"

"Well spit it out already!" Zeus demanded mostly just wanting take a brake from Heras yelling

When Amphitite a had everyone's attention she tells them with a deadpaned expression "I'm pregnant..."

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