The birth: The sequel

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News of Persea going in labor spread all around not only Olympis but camp half blood

Luke was immediately teleported to her side

"It's ok Persea I'm here for you!" Luke said holding her hand

"Oh I'm so relived!" The Goddess said sarcastically angery from the pain

Luke senced that Persea was in no mood so he decided to just let the Goddess squeeze his hand as he let Artemis and Apollo did their jobs

Several hours later the room was filled with the wails of an infant

"It's a boy!" Artemis told the new parents with a big smile

Persea and Luke squeeled in joy until Persea screamed again

"Look's like there's another one in there." Apollo said as his sister cleaned off the first child

Soon the second baby was delivered and finally

"A girl!" Apollo announced after the child was delivered

Persea and Luke smiled barely holding back their tears of joy until Persea felt more pain

"Oh us it's not another one is it!?" Persea cried

"No it's just the placentia" Apollo answered the new mother as Artemis cleaned the babies

The boy had Luke's skin and hair color with Persea's eyes

The girl had Persea skin and hair color with Luke's eyes

Soon the children clean the were handed to the mother and parents

Luke held his daughter as Persea held the boy

"Their so beautiful..." Luke whispered eyes filling with tears of joy

Persea did the same then looked to Luke "Luke have you thought of any names for them?"

Luck smiled warmly "Constantine and Lilly"

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