Family at Camp

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Luke watch happily as Persea sat in a rocking chair  breast feeding their babies as she hummed a sweet lullaby

"Their so big now..." Persea whispers as her children fed from her

"Yeah..." Was all Luke could say back as he admired the two miracles lached on to the Goddesses chest

After the children's feeding was done and they were put down for bed Luke wrapped his arms around Persea

"I love you..." The son of Hermes whispered nuzzling her neck

Persea smiled as she turned around and kissed Luke's lips

"Thank you for giving them to me." Luke whimpered as the couple wrapped their arms around eachother

"You gave them to me too..." Persea whimpered

The couple hugged happily

After the twins were born and they started taking care of the children Luke and Persea soon fell in love

Persea arrange it for Luke to become a wind spirt once he died  he will even be able vist his loved ones when their time comes and best yet Persea had hired Luke's the best nurses for his mother

In return Luke would stand beside her to help fulfill her duties for as the protector of Demigods

(Thank you for all your support next chapter will be the finale hope I can give you all a satisfying ending)

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