Some actual momojiro fluff

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Jiro sat on the edge of her seat, struggling with her guitar. She was usually a master of the chords but today the music just wasn't flowing out of her like it normally did. She set down her guitar in frustration and walked into the common room for some food. She hadn't eaten much today, maybe that would help. As she finished making and eating a sandwitch, Momo walked into the room. She walked up behind Jiro and hugged her tightly, rubbing her hair and humming softly.

(End of what I wrote)

"You doing alright Jiro?" She asked quietly, still holding the girl close to herself. Jiro didn't know how long this had been going on, only recently they'd started hugging whenever they were together or talking. She didn't mind though; it felt nice. She nodded, resting her head against her shoulder. "Yeah I'm okay." Momo hummed again, giving Jiro one last squeeze before walking over to the couch. "So, you playing today?" Jiro looked around at everyone. No one else seemed to be here. It had been quiet for the past few days and she assumed that everyone else had gone home. Her parents were probably busy too, so she couldn't blame them if they wanted to spend their weekend alone. She shrugged as an answer to Momo's question and leaned into the affection Momo was giving her.

Momo smiled as she sat beside her on the couch and turned to face her properly. Momo leaned forward and placed a light kiss on the top of Jiro's head before turning back around. Jiro smiled, happy with the affection she now got from her girlfriend and continued to eat. When she was done, she stretched. "I'm going to go upstairs. Want anything?" She offered to Momo. "No thanks Jiro. You have fun." They both stood and Jiro headed towards the door before hesitating for a moment. She turned back around and gave her girlfriend a quick hug, which she returned before stepping away. Jiro smiled before heading up stairs, leaving Momo behind. It wasn't that Momo disliked her hugs, more that she thought that Jiro could use them more than herself. When she'd been younger, she used to love it when Jiro hugged her; when Jiro had held her close like this. But things weren't that different now. The taller girl smiled, thinking about the times she'd loved being held by Jiro. Now all Momo wanted was for her girlfriend to hold her without any expectation from her. All Jiro ever needed was to know that she loved her and she' d never need to feel guilty about it. That's what Momo wanted; to make sure that Jiro knew how much she meant to her. Momo turned back around and began watching Netflix on the couch. She hoped the rest of the team would join them soon; she'd get lonely. She sighed and curled in tighter on herself. They could come join her if they wanted; she wouldn't complain. Just not right then. She watched tv until the others appeared and sat down next to Momo; all three laughing together. They stayed like that through most of the movie, Momo occasionally leaning her head against Jiro' s arm or shoulders, when she'd gotten comfortable with the contact between them. The other two also noticed and stopped to look at them, smiling softly at each other. When they left the living room, they followed after to find that Momo and Jiro were already cuddling with Jiro's arms wrapped protectively around her, asleep.

Feel free to keep writing or editing this story, just give credit to me and Dreamily.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2021 ⏰

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