Chapter 1

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Hello! Before reading this story, please keep in mind that I wrote this back in 2015. I was much younger and I think my writing style has improved a lot since then. The only reason why this book is still up is for nostalgia purposes. It was my first completed book on Wattpad and though I'm not a fan of this story, I don't want to take it down. I also do not plan on ever rewriting this story, since it is not a genre that I am fond of.

Anyway, thanks for reading this short note! 


Skyler's p.o.v.

Right in front of me stood the biggest jerk that I had ever met. Nathan Anderson, the top student of our rival school Allen High. He thought he was tough stuff just because he was rich, intelligent, popular, good at everything. To say that I hated his guts would be an understatement. I hated him with a burning passion from the deepest pits of hell that even Hades wouldn't believe it.

As of right now we were about to go up against each other in a soccer tournament against our schools. We were both the captains of our schools team. I didn't like to brag, but my team was way better. It was always our school against his when it came to the finals, but that was to be expected from the best teams in the district. I was the star player so obviously we would win.

Nathan Anderson shook my hand like we always did right before the game began. It was what captains did each game. "Good luck to you," he said to me. He was a tall guy, with sandy blond hair, blue eyes, and he wasn't exactly the buff kind.

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks, but you're the one who needs the luck, dude." Okay, now I'm the one who sounds like a jerk, but I swear that it's the other way around. I always got a little competitive during a tournament, but overall I was a nice guy.

The coach was ready to release the ball to us after we let go of each other. As soon as the ball hit the ground I was the one to kick it to my teammate. And so the game began.

The game went on as each team struggled to get points over the other. I had to hand it to them, they were a good team. My own was a few points ahead of them, which assured our victory in the end. The game ended right after I thankfully made the last goal. My team cheered at our victory and I received hugs from them.

"Party at my house on Friday!" My friend, Connor, shouted out. After every victory Connor held a party as long as his parents were out of town, which was just about all of the time. His parents traveled for business and only ever came home twice a month if that. "Guys, douche alert."

When I turned around the douche Nathan was walking toward us. He stopped in front of me with a stupid smile on his face. "Congrats on winning another game. You guys are really good."

"No shit. What do you want?" I glared at him.

He just kept that stupid smile on his face. "I wanted to congratulate you. And I wanted to wish you luck on next weeks academic competition."


"Sure thing. Besides, you're going to need it." Nathan mimicked the same sass that I gave him earlier before he turned and walked back to his team.

I only scowled at him. I might have been the better soccer player, but sadly he could kick my ass in academics. He could get all cocky about it if he wanted to, but next week he had another thing coming. I was prepared for this next one.

Connor put his arm around my shoulder. "Wow, what an ass. You'll definitely beat him next week. Show him who's boss!" He smiled at me. "So I'll see you on Friday, right?"

"Totally. I wouldn't miss it."

"Awesome! See you then!" Connor pat me on the back and I followed him into the locker room, only to go our separate ways. I knew that his party would have alcohol and I was a horrible drunk. Let's just say that I did things I wouldn't normally do. It was a surprise I even had friends after half of the shit I pulled.

At least it was something to look forward to. Or so I thought.

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