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One of my friends from discord made Taida! I love their take on the character! The colors aren't as vibrant as I imagine, but really put down the bubbly look! Plus, they explained why, that they tried to make it more silvery, and this way when light is reflected on it, it would look like a rainbow! Honestly? That sounds really fricken cool. Thanks bro! (They didn't want me to say their name.)

Izuku actually had a bit of fun at school. They even had a time where you slept! However, as the day went on, Izuku grew more annoyed. It was already almost noon and he hadn't had his morning tea! Preposterous! (Izuku's favorite word)

Izuku got so antsy and fidgety, that Nagai started to notice. "What's wrong Izuku?" Nagai asked, worried. Izuku looked at him. Speaking immediately. "I haven't had my morning tea! And it's already almost noon! Oh! I know! Will they have tea at lunch?" Izuku asked, coming to the conclusion the tea times worked differently here. Nagai looked confused, before he shook his head. "They don't have tea here." To this Izuku looked shocked. He didn't like this at all. Nagai spoke again, curious. "Is tea really that good?" Nagai asked. Izuku looked at him as if he was stupid. "Of course it is! Mom used to get me tea no matter what. She said she knew how.... impor-tense (important) it was to me. She also said other people don't like tea as much, but I still stand that they should!" Izuku practically yelled. He was only able to grab his lunch from his home, and it didn't have tea in it because there was no place for him to make tea at school.

The teacher came over, wondering what was wrong. Izuku had learned her name was Ms. Itty. Which was funny cause she wasn't actually that small. Everyone besides the kindergarten and preschool kids called her Ms. I.

She came over and knelt down next to Izuku and Nagai, before speaking. "What's wrong? Are you two okay?" She asked. Izuku turned to her, he was on the verge of throwing a tantrum. He was still a little kid after all. "Nagai said they don't have tea here! And I haven't had my morning tea! Does this mean I won't have my afternoon tea either?!?!" Izuku exclaimed, tears threatening to fall as he started to pout. Ms. I was caught off guard, but recovered quickly. "I'm sorry Izuku, we don't have tea here." Izuku looked at her with shock. Ms. I kept talking but Izuku didn't hear. He ignored her and started to cry. He hated this place. He wanted to go back into his mother's warm hands and have all the tea he wanted. She always had tea, and would often take part in his tea parties! Sometimes, on a really good day she would bring a few mini muffins or a biskit. One time she got a few brownies she made the day before and had hid from his 'father' and put them out for the tea party. Izuku loved that day, it was the best tea time he's every had!... Even if 'father' did find out and get super mad. It was one of the few times mom had a real laugh and smile.

Getting lost in these thoughts made Izuku's rage die down and instead it turned to sniffles, with him putting his hands around his legs and his face in his knees. He refused to move or even budge. He wished he was in Wonderland right then, they always had the best tea parties. He kept sniffling and being unresponsive to anyone. Even though it was lunch time and Izuku was hungry, he didn't budge. Eventually Ms. I sighed, she would have to get someone for this. Usually it would be a parent or Guardian. Sometimes even their siblings. Ms. I got up and went to the phone on her desk. She called the office and told them her situation and they talked a bit before she hung up the phone. Ms. I then went over to Izuku and kneeled back down. "Hey, Izuku. Doki will be here in a bit, ok?" Izuku said nothing, and continued to lean on the wall, still bundled up. He felt so uncomfortable there. He knew he couldn't explain it, it was just a comfort he wasn't willing to let go of. Especially in a new place like this.

(It's like for me. I don't have to wear a coat all the time. But I do because it's a comfort, and I feel physically uncomfortable when I don't have one on, especially in a new place or with new people. There's no trauma or anything behind it for me, it's just a comfort. Best I can describe it.)

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