Chapter 3

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"I need some ingredients, and for that I need you to go to the store and buy them." She said, as she went to the counter behind the glass stand. It was a huge one, and looked like an island.

"You don't have sufficient ingredients?" I whined.

"They're all finished. It's not my fault you came during the time the bakery was about to close and ask me to make a cake for your dear brother." She rolled her eyes at me and I glared at her.

But, she definitely had got a point. It was my fault not hers. She took out a pen and a paper and started jotting something down, the list I supposed.

"Here." She said, as she handed me the list and I looked at it wide-eyed.

All purpose flour.
Vanilla pastry cream.
Chocolate. Dark one would me preferable.
Semisweet chocolate chips.
Confectioners' sugar.
Cake toppings: Devil's

I really couldn't understand the last two ingredients. I was really weak in cooking.

The last time I tried to bake a cake, I got the side of the icing cone wrong and instead of the cake getting the icing, my nose got all of it. I even got flour in my head which gave my parents a fright and my dad thought I had colored them. And the worst of all, I forgot to put sugar. So it tasted like porridge.

And, the negative comments about the cake from my dear brother forced me to smack it on his face which resulted in a food fight with spaghetti all over his face and me getting hit by a vase and sent to the hospital.

"You are going to the store now and buying these ingredients." She huffed, as she stomped her foot in annoyance. "I firstly can't understand why I am agreeing on preparing a cake for you in the middle of the night when I have to go to a wedding  tomorrow!" She ran her hand through her hair.

"And it's my wedding tomorrow." I said. She stared at me, her jaw open. "Kidding." I gave her a weird look and she blushed deep red. I smirked at her. "No one will seize your Prince Charming."

"Shut up. I will castastrate you."

God! This girl surely needed a medication for her mood swings.

"What did you just say?" She asked me and I looked at her with confusion until I finally realized I'd said that out loud.

"Firstly, you should be grateful I am helping you and then you act like I need medication for my mood swings? Well, breaking new Mr.whoever-you-are, that's not going to happen at all. You need to keep that in mind, I accepted this cake for money and I guess money is my bff." She shrugged. "Anyway, that's not the point because you can't rule over me because I am the ruler of this bakery and my goal is to-" I covered her mouth with my hand and looked at her with a do-you-always-talk-so-much? look.

I could hear her muffled voice, and still knew she was angry.

"Hey listen, please, I am sorry, okay?" I removed my hand from her mouth and she glared at me, taking deep breaths. "I am truly sorry, I totally forgot about the cake, I am a forgetful asshole and I accept my mistake. Please, I need this cake and Vintage Creams is the only hope left." She was taken aback by the apology and nodded her head. I sighed with relief.

"Let's go." She said, as she removed her apron. "You have to pay up."

"Of course I have to." I said, rolling my eyes. "Wait, you are coming?"

"Well, looking at you, I don't think you know the ingredients." She rolled her eyes.

"Sure. Let's go in my car." I said.

"Okay" she said, as she twirled her hair and walked towards the door. I grabbed her wrist and turned her towards me.

"And please warn me when you are going to turn into Hulk, I am pretty sure I have to call Agent Romanoff." I whispered in her ear and she let out a small chuckle.

"Shut up." She smacked my arm."By the way, we are making a chocolate cake with a single layer." She said, as we neared the car.

"Alright. But I am telling you I am not going to help you, because I am very bad in baking." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Of course you are!"

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