on mind

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you are reckless and childlike.

i am held back by your physical altercations and altruism.

we could be so much more than this if you would shut up.

i hate you.

i need you.

you spend your time ignoring my meticulous need for power.  i could make you everything you wanted if you could spend your time ignoring the needless need to need from others.  you need need need me to be differrerrent.  i am not not fa;ling apart.  you are tearin gme apart. quit playing yourself as theVICTIM.  you are to blame blame blame blame. 

ihateihtateihateihtae htae hate you.  i am powerGODful.  i am EVERYTGESGHHHGHINGhelpmeEVERYTHING.  we were no mor ethan childhood friends.  separate yourself frmo me and LET ME GObacktoyou. 





i miss you.


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