Kat's Story

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It was a typical Friday night at the Aura, a pricey club that rich men liked to flock to. Usually in hopes of running into high-class call girls like Kat. The smell of perfume and sweat was thick in the air as she stood next to the bar. Her hands slid down the silky black dress that barely covered her rear. She scanned the room filled with neon lights and people in designer threads holding glowing drinks. Across the room, she spotted a man sitting alone. His tall lanky body looked cramped at the small table in the corner. She had never seen him there before. He seemed out of place, wearing a suit that looked like it was popular in the 1980s. From the ice around his wrist, she knew he was just her type. Loaded.

Kat pulled a small compact from her clutch and checked her appearance. Her hand dipped back in the bag and pulled out a tube of Ruby Red Rush. It glided on smooth and left her lips feeling hydrated.

Jasmine, a waitress, walked up to the bar, holding an empty tray. "Hi, Kat."

Leaning her elbows on the glossy bar top, Kat shouted over the bass pumping through the speakers. "What do you think of that guy over there at table seven? Do you think he's cute?"

Jasmine shrugged and the body glitter on her skin glimmered under the purple overhead lights. She scooped ice into a champagne bucket. "I guess, in a homicidal maniac sort of way."

"That's what I thought." Kat laughed and clamped the compact shut. She put it back in her purse. Standing up straight, she examined him, unsure if she should be intimidated or intrigued. There was just something different about this guy. Maybe it was that he was sitting alone staring at the wall, while everyone else was whooping it up.

Jasmine fluffed her unruly hair that went every direction except down. "He has some big juicy lips, that's for sure."

Kat smirked. "Yeah, he has the kind of mouth that belongs on a bass fish."

The man looked over at her with a stern expression. There was no way he could have heard her from all the way over there. Her smile faded and she looked away.

Jasmine's soft brown eyes met hers. "Can you give it a rest? You don't need to pounce on every rich guy that comes into the club."


She spoke louder. "I said, you don't need to pounce on every rich guy that comes into the club."

Kat reached over and grabbed a cherry out of a stainless-steel condiment organizer that held garnishes. "Pretty girls and rich guys go together like peanut butter and honey. Is it a crime to take advantage of that while I'm still young?" She popped the smooth round cherry into her mouth and squashed it between her teeth.

Jasmine's thick dark eyebrows pulled together. "Peanut butter and honey?"

Kat gave her blonde hair a good tussle to make sure it hadn't gone flat. "Don't knock it till you try it."

"Seriously, Kat, let's call it a night. My shift ends in five minutes. We can go back to my place, pig out on popcorn and watch some raunchy reality TV shows."

"Why don't you go home? I'll find my own ride."

Jasmine placed a ridiculously high-priced green bottle in the champagne bucket and gave her friend a disapproving glance. "Seriously? This is the life you want to live now?"

"No, but after years of being harassed by guys because of my looks, I figure I might as well get something out of it." She held her hands up. "Fine. You're right. It's stupid. I should just go home with you."

Jasmine smiled, revealing a gap between her front teeth. "I need to take this to the VIP room. I'll be right back. Don't move."

Kat watched her walk away and disappear behind a black velvet curtain.

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