4 - "Is it chill that you're in my head?"

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4 - "Is it chill that you're in my head?"

The day they were leaving, Adam helped her take her bags to the car. She'd lifted a brow and smiled. "Who knew you were such a gentleman?"

He shook his head and grinned. "Just helping you leave faster."

She gaped and smacked his arm lightly, making him laugh and dodge out of the way.

Her father smiled at them as he grabbed the bags and lifted it into the car. "You kids behave yourselves now. Your Ma would be very upset if she knew you were fighting."

Ava rolled her eyes. 'We're not fighting. I wouldn't waste that much time on him."

Adam pulled a face. "You've hurt me. Right in my heart, you have. Mrs Espín will be hearing about this."

She went back into the house with Adam right behind her. "You'd have to have a heart first, Adam-Ant."

She squealed as he grabbed her around her waist and threw her over his shoulder, holding her down by her knees. "I think that people with such filthy mouths need to stay out of my house."

She screeched again as he began to walk out, kicking her legs but trying not to hurt him. "Adam, put me down! My father will see! Do you want that?"

He dropped her to the ground immediately, her bum hitting the thick grass under her and she immediately wrapped her legs around his and twisted, pulling him down next to her. "Hey!"

Then she jumped up and ran to the car, closing the door behind her as he glared at her from the ground. She threw her head back and laughed before waiting a few minutes for him to get up and leave before jumping out. She'd need to greet everyone before she left.

The goodbyes took an hour, Mak clinging onto her when they hugged goodbye, Bella already making plans for her next visit, Andrés begging their parents to let him stay longer and Adam standing on the edge of everything.

She cleared her throat. "Actually, uhm, I might be seeing you guys more often."

Uncle Frank turned to her. "Yeah?"

She grinned and shrugged. "I got accepted into SCU. Gonna stay in an apartment with some freshman but uhm, might come home here every odd weekend. If that's fine?"

Mak screamed and jumped on her. "Yes, of course, oh my god I can't believe that you kept this a secret, you sly minx. This is gonna be awesome!"

Finally, everyone got into the car and they were about to leave when she realised something was missing.


Her father hadn't even started the car and Uncle Frank and Felicity were waving at them from the gate anyway but she jumped out and ran past them with a hurried 'sorry' before grabbing her charger from the socket. Adam was watching her from his place on the sofa, controller lolling in his hands.

"Couldn't keep away, huh?"

She grinned and waved her charger at him. "I had to make an excuse to see you one last time."

He nodded. "You take care, princess."

"You too, Adam."

* * *

"And he wore the exact same thing as me, that idiot!"

Nina flipped her hair over her other shoulder as she examined herself for any tan lines. "God gracious, Ava. Did you guys flirt the entire weekend?"

Ava froze on the bed where'd she'd been rubbing Nina's dog's tummy. The big German Shepherd whined when she stopped and she started again before answering, "Flirt? Pff what are you saying? He was annoying the crap outta me."

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