17 - "It's someone else's spark in someone else's heart"

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17 - "It's someone else's spark in someone else's heart"

Jace was different from Adam. In the way he looked and in the way he acted too. It was for the best really because then she wasn't reminded about her stupid crush all the time.

He was earnest and he was funny in the corniest way. That didn't mean that she didn't laugh when he spoke. Sure, sometimes she had to explain just what she meant when she texted him and he never seemed to get her 'intellectual' jokes but it wasn't all like that. He knew all the capitals of the world, she'd quizzed him one day, and he'd know just which day to get her milkshakes to brighten her mood.

She never did homework with him because he was never any help and distracted her when he was around but never complained if she was AWOL for a while because she was swamped. He cooked for her when he could and brought her cute knitted things from his mum who had fallen in love with Ava the first, and very unexpected time, that he'd introduced her to his parents.

And best of all, he liked her. And he told her that often.

The girls were ecstatic that she was moving on and she agreed that it had been a good idea to actually make herself think about something and someone other than Adam. They even insisted that she invite him along when they had their monthly outing, everyone having one day where they invited their partners and spent the day together. It usually involved sucking at bowling, a movie, a meal, ice-cream and maybe a walk.

"We're doing something different this month!" Ayeleen exclaimed, waving her phone in front of Rada's face as they all sat down to eat.

Haley wagged her finger at her. "Mama Ava said no phones at the dinner table."

Ava laughed and nodded at Ayeleen. "I'll make an exception. What's up?"

Ayeleen lit up. "Waterpark. There's one not so far from here, it's warming up and I need me some slides."

Ava looked around and saw that everyone, except Tania, looked hyped up at the prospect. They were asking Ayeleen for more information and discussing if they needed to buy new swimwear or if what they had would be suitable. Tania kept repeating that she wouldn't set foot on a slide because she didn't want to die and that was the end of it. Amy promised that she would get Tania on one even if it killed her.

"You should invite Jace," Polly suggested, pulling out of her conversation with Vania. "We'd get to meet him and you guys could finally do something together. You've been stuck in your books this whole week. I'm sure he misses you."

Ava rolled her eyes. "We've been dating for two months. I don't think he knows me well enough to miss me."

Lynn shook her head in defeat. "You are such a Debbie Downer. That guy really likes you. I see how he gets those milkshakes delivered to you on Mondays. I wish my one would do that. But anyway. I have what I have and he's lovely."

"Oh is Kyle coming too?" Haley asked, spreading butter on her roll as she spoke. Amy had already invited her Diego, who was coming down to visit her that very weekend, and Polly had politely asked if her new boyfriend could join despite only knowing him for a week. She was besotted and it amused everyone.

Lynn nodded. "He couldn't make it the last time but I told him about this one in advance and he knows he has to come to get yalls approval. Is Jemma coming?"

Haley shrugged. "Not sure. She said she enjoys our outings but she's got a big project due. It just depends if she gets done in time. She'll let me know the day before."

Ayeleen shook her head. "That's going to be hard coz I thought if we bought group tickets it would work out cheaper? We'll need to do that in advance to avoid the lines so Jemma might have to buy her own ticket."

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