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OLIVIA IS LAYING ON HER COUCH WHEN SHE HEARS A KNOCK ON THE DOOR. She doesn't bother to look away from her TV, instead just shouting into the open air.

"Come in!" she calls out, hearing the door open and shut but not looking back. "What's up Bruce?"

Behind her, Bruce blinks in surprise, walking over to the kitchen counter and setting down a Target bag.

"How'd you know it was me?" he wonders, walking over to the couch to lean over the back of it slightly. She shrugs, not tearing her eyes from the TV screen.

"Footsteps," she dismisses. Wondering what she's watching, he turns his attention to the screen. He recognizes the tape instantly.

"Tell him you're sorry," their father's voice crackles over the television, the angle showing a grainy image of their old living room. Olivia, looking about 4 years old in the video, crosses her arms.

"No!" she refuses, literally screaming. "I'm not sorry! I'm not! He's stupid and ugly and I hate him!" She stomps her foot for emphasis, her face red and her eyes obviously puffy, even through the awful video quality. Her voice cracks a little as she shouts.

"Olivia," Brian's voice comes again, more firmly this time, an unspoken warning attached. He crosses his arms, and she looks away. She glares at the floor for a few seconds, sniffling.

"Olivia," comes their mother's voice from off-camera, a little more gently. "You know Bruce didn't mean it. He already said he was sorry; now it's your turn." She pouts for a second longer.

"Sorry, Bruce," she finally grumbles, kicking at the carpet a little. The camera angle shifts a little to reveal a 16-year-old Bruce leaning against the entrance to the hallway with his arms crossed.

He looks a little upset. It's anyone's guess whether he's upset because Olivia just called him stupid and ugly or for some other reason, though.

"It's okay," he grumbles, sounding a little resistant to the easy forgiveness but giving it anyways. "I shouldn't have said you were dumb, I know you're not." She sniffles a little, and some of the anger ebbs out of her face.

"...sorry I said you're ugly," she mumbles, "that was mean." Brian sighs in relief, glad his kids are done fighting.

"See? Now wasn't that easy?" he prompts them— well, mostly his daughter. "Now come on, who wants spaghetti?" The little Olivia's face brightens.

"Me!" she volunteers at once. "I do!" The video cuts out there, shifting into a video of a 12-year-old Bruce holding some kind of math award.

"Wow, I totally forgot about that," Bruce muses, glancing down at his 26— sorry, 27-year-old sister. He hasn't put much thought into it, but she really has changed so much since they were kids.

"Which part, me calling you ugly or the math award?" she jokes. He chuckles.

"The first one," he replies. "I always forget how much we used to fight." She grins, finally looking up at him.

"I totally got you, though," she teases, chuckling. "You are ugly." He pretends to be offended, fighting a grin.

"And after I came all this way to bring you a box of Target cake," he tuts, shaking his head. She sits up, smiling.

"Thank you very much for the cake, then; still ugly, though," she taunts lightly. He chuckles openly this time, shaking his head.

"Happy birthday," he sighs, smiling. She hums, glancing back at the home movies playing on the TV.

"Half-surprised you remembered," she admits, trying her best to keep the bitter edge out of her tone. His smile falls a little, and he rubs the back of his neck.

"November 12," he hums, "same as always." She chuckles, leaning back to flop against the couch again. She offers him her best shit-eating grin.

"That's how birthdays work, yeah," she agrees, her voice wavering with barely-contained laughter. "Be pretty concerning if it changed, I think." He laughs, shooting her a look that's trying and failing really hard to be disapproving.

"You know what I meant," he groans, trying to fake annoyance. She chuckles along, nodding.

"Yeah," she agrees, "I do. Thanks." He nods back at her.

"My real birthday present," he advises her, "was convincing Tony not to throw you a surprise party and invite half of New York." She groans at just the thought.

"Bet he put up a fight about it, too," she complains. "God, I think I'd legitimately rather die than go to a Stark party today. I do not have the energy."

"I knew you'd say that," he sighs, his expression settling into a self-satisfied smile. She rolls her eyes, but grins at him.

"Okay, okay, we get it," she fake-groans patronizingly. "You're my favorite brother, and I love you so much I'm gonna call Mom to squeal about it later. Is that what you wanted to hear?" He rolls his eyes at her, still grinning.

"Yes," he replies, just to spite her. She chuckles quietly, leaning up to grab her throw pillow and then settling back down to toss it at his face.

"Then get out already," she laughs. "I've got plans; we can go get dinner or something later, I'll text you." He fumbles the pillow a little but catches it on its way to the floor, dropping it back on her stomach.

"Okay, okay," he agrees. "I left the Target cake on the counter, it's strawberry, you should eat it or put it away before you leave." She nods, and he opens the door to leave.

"Later Bruce," she bids, turning her attention back to the TV.

"Bye," he replies, pulling the door shut behind him. However, a spit second before he clicks it into place, he stops. Then, he pushes the door back open. "And by the way, Liv?" She turns to look at him. "Love you too."

And then he's gone, and the door clicks shut behind him.

Olivia shakes her head, but can't stop a small smile from gracing her face. She turns back to the TV, but this time reaches for the remote. She doesn't want to stop, but she does actually have plans.

"Happy birthday, Liv!" her father's voice crackles out from her TV speakers. She can hear her 10-year-old self exclaim something in return, but she pauses the recording there.

"Thanks, dad," she sighs quietly, closing her eyes for a short moment before hauling herself to her feet.

She's gotta get dressed.

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