Chapter 16: Panic.

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Sheer seconds after pumpkin sunk into the ground, the Town descended into utter chaos. Ashes and coals fell like rain, a smoke so thick that it obscured things outside of arms length coated the air. Demons crawled up from the ground like soccer moms at a black friday sale, causing the group to split again. I got stuck with dumb and dumber. I'll give you a cute forty seconds to guess which two I mean.

I propped Roa up against a random building, shushing Dylan as I tried to help her breathing calm. I'm no doctor, even though I'm so mentally powerful that I am 100% confident that I could do brain surgery with ease, I'm taking full transplant. Full frontal.

"Just... breathe or something! You're like having a panic attack and that's so acceptable, but we gotta get moving!" I exclaimed, immediately happy at how amazing the new me is, getting impaled was probably the best thing to ever happen to me!

"I trained for this... why... why me... why i...  no. Why am i...  what?" She gasped, holding her chest.

"Oh my god... you're reverting to troll talk! It's like that time when you met that guy on the tablet game and he tracked you down and came to our house..." i remembered, patting her crunchy hair.

"Or when you made fun of that one french girl!" Dylan exclaimed, taking his eyes off the streets just to look at us with his kitten face.

Roa shook, her hands rattling, fat jiggling. She was close to crying, but holding back to avoid seeming weak. It made me sad, she was my friend. Sure we had grown apart, and had hardly spoken this entire trip, but all the memories still meant something to me, all the experiences still had weight behind them.

I could hear demons drawing near, danger was imminent. Dont I just sound so serious and beguiling?
New me is a lot smarter by the way, maybe the thing that really impaled me was knowledge!

"Okay okay... cmon Roa. Let's get up, you're fine." Dylan sighed, brushing Roas hair out of her face.

What the fuck? He went from using her to get to me, to comforting her and defending her at every turn? To... brushing her hair out of her face?!  Dylans little trip to hell had changed him as well... I guess we were all changed. That's why everything was different, that's why nothing felt right. We didnt grow apart, we grew aware.

"Roa. You got this. Just get up! You sailed the ocean, got us out of hell, you've fought demons! You're just freaking out! We have to move!" He beckoned, growing eager and obviously anxious.

"Girlll... or how about the time we were locked in a bathroom because The boys were being crazy?!" I shouted, jumping up and down in excitement.

"Yeah..." Roa laughed.
"Or when your boyfriends heart exploded in front of me..."

I laughed awkwardly, because what the fuck else was I supposed to do?

"Or the time you jumped through the mansion roof! That was so badass! You're a bad bitch!" Dylan cheered, helping Roa to her feet and pulling her into a hug.
I inserted myself into it, halfly wrapping my arms around the two, noticing the difference in their body heat, Roa was like an electric blanket cranked all the way up, Dylan was like falling into a frozen lake and being swept down the tide.

Roa nodded, laughing to herself as she pulled back, staring at Dylan in his oceanic blue eyes.
"We got this."

He smiled back
"We got this!" He chuckled.

I scoffed, smiling a bit too wide.
"We DO got this!" I said just a little too loud. They were like completely ignoring me!

Roa handed me a gun, I dont know models but it's one of the big fast ones. I shrugged, I literally just wanted to use the kitchen knife I had been so acquainted with. But I guess a little firepower wouldnt hurt.

"Heads up." I nodded, pointing the gun down the street just as a demon very conveniently jumped from the fog, I shot the gun, expecting a little toot. What I got was full fucking throttle launched to the ground, did you guys know guns hurt everyone involved? It's almost like they should be hard to obtain... but yeah no we have like a million of them now, very easily acquired might I add. It's stupid, give a kid a gun and get surprised when it goes off, but restrict a man from alcohol because he isnt ready for the responsibility.
Not me though, I've been crossfaded as fuck since I was like ten. Actually I remember my first time smoking... but honestly, this story is close to over so I might as well finish.

Roa kicked the demon in its bitchass kneecaps, Dylan immediately assuming the position to blow its head clean off its shoulders. The two shared a high five that was so painfully caucasian that mayonaise practically formed at the sound, Dylan helped me to my feet and I brushed myself off.

"You didnt warn me about the kickback!" I groaned, punching Roa in the shoulder.

"Theres literally no way you've never shot a gun." She blankly replied, starting to walk down the street past me.

"WOWWWWWWW. Why do you say that?! Huh?!" I teased, following her.
She shrugged.

We needed some sort of actual plan. we couldnt just stay here, if we did wed just be fighting until we couldnt anymore, but there was also no escape. The smoke was so thick that even if we could find a car, and go unnoticed, itd be impossible to see. There was no calling anyone, I'd been on an island for way too long, and everyone else was dead, not to mention everything we owned was on the boat... in the ocean. We couldnt fight Pumpkin, I watched her tear people's souls out, tear Roas body apart... kill everyone. What do demons do? What do they do best?

I needed to make a deal... but how much were our lives worth? She could have Nicky, Nathaniel, Jack especially, I'd even throw in Roa! No. No! That's selfish. I'm trying to be better, I'm really trying. What else do I have to offer? What did pumpkin want? Fuck. I scratched the back of my neck with vigor, I felt uncomfortable in my own skin... but it wasnt the first time.

I braced myself, letting the bullets fly from the gun I had been handed and into the demons watching the blood splatter as I continued trying to think of our next move.

"I got it!" I gasped, hanging out and being so in love with Kayla had really improved my mind. I had an idea!

"What?" Roa asked, wiping her face.

"I know how we can live! Dylan, I need you to get the group back together. Roa, keep the monsters and ghouls occupied, and meet me by the beach in ten minutes." I explained.

They shared a look, turning back to me and nodding.

"Wait! Dylan, do you still have your lighter?" I asked.

"Duh Kenna! I never go anywhere without it... Its actually a really funny story! I got i-"

I snatched the lighter from him, running off before I could listen to his boring ass, time consuming story. I slammed my fingernails into the building where Roa had sat for so long, ripping off a poster for gluten free bagels, gross by the way, and lighting it ablaze. I held it above my head, waving it around for a bit.
I could hear the Beasts trampling towards me, I took a deep breath.

I really fucking hoped this worked, I felt panic set In as my feet left the ground, I've never felt myself run faster, I felt the air leave my lungs, a loud screeching coming from my mouth. I was disconnected, blacked out.
I turned behind me for a second, not even the thick black smoke could obscure the piles of demons hot on my trail. My feet couldnt move fast enough, my lungs couldnt keep up, but they had to. I had to make it just a little longer.

We couldnt run, we couldnt hide, we couldnt fight. I was ready to die before. But I realize in this moment how thays just too easy, I Never quit. Not even for a second.

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