Chapter 19: Cruel and Unusual.

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The group was in ruins, we were exhausted from fighting demons, from running away, from the constant happenings. I patted down my bag, making sure the Baby bomb was still secured. That was honestly the only thing I could see working. I mean demons die by holy water, right?
Avery slid up, careful as to not put too much pressure on his injured foot. He seemed determined to leave this place, and honestly he had the most to fight for. I mean his two brothers, back alive, the trio reunited... I imagine what their lives will be like together, happy and chaotic, reckless and loud. Roa and Dylan... they seemed to have formed an amazing bond with all the time they've spent together, and while Dylan was essentially bleeding out, I still felt like Roa was giving him more attention then usual, they hadn't engaged with me in awhile... I mean, fighting with Roa was the closest thing to hanging out we had done this entire trip. Then Kayla and i... god. If we get the fuck out of here I'm gonna marry that bitch, im gonna propose and walk down the aisle in a tuxedo dress combo because im just so effortlessly iconic and groundbreaking. I can picture Kaylas red hair against a white dress, her beautiful finger with a ring on it, an expensive ring... a beautiful ring. Jack was the weirdest to think about, if he lives through this I honestly dont know what he'll do, maybe die again? Become an addict? Or maybe he'll be successful. I wonder if Danielle knows I'm back, if she knows I'm trying to get to her... and that I miss her. Would she be willing to become close again despite the murder? Despite the years on the island? Every time I see a Bepis can I think of her... and that nasty ass soda pop. I wonder what Millieville is like nowadays... its usually nice this time of year, all the crackheads are using their wooden spoons to cook nice meals, all the B list actors are going out of town. I couldnt wait to get away from the beach, from the water... I hope the ocean understands that after so long so close to her, I'm ready to depart.

I stare blankly down at my reflection on the harsh metal counters, the cool steel feeling almost soothing against my skin. Everyone was in ruins, Everyone was hurt. There wasnt a single person in this room who wasnt suffering, and I felt responsible.
But I've spent so long dwelling on the past, on what might happen, trying my hardest to get inside of everyones heads to make sure everything is alright but I cant do that anymore. I have to be here, in this moment. No matter how much it fucking sucks. I have to get these people back to safety, even if that means I might lose them. Even if that means being alone. I know I can be selfish, I know I can be obnoxious and Way too overbearing and sometimes I'm cruel and mean. But I just got lost along the way... I always had everyones best interest at heart, I really did, and fuck. I tried. I tried more than anyone to make stuff work... but maybe I'm just crazy, maybe Friend groups go through this type of stuff... am I being overdramatic?

"I dont hear it anymore... I think It calmed down." I sighed, motioning to the dining room, where debris of all sorts had been flying through.

Kayla nodded, The Brothers three all shimmied across the floor, and into the dining room.

"Do you think you can walk?" Roa asked, staring at Dylan.

He nodded, attempting to pull himself up but ultimately needing help. I was the last one to exit the kitchen, walking into a dining room that was completely destroyed, stuff was lodged into walls, tables were anywhere between flipped and split in half, there were recognizable chunks of the ship sticking into the wall, exposing the outside of the building. Not a single window had survived, the Cash register had been knocked over with so much force that Money littered the ground.

Lil nicky shuffled over to it, jamming money in his pockets.

"What are you doing? What's that for?" Roa beckoned, looking at the man, then to me, then back at him.

"I'm kindaaaaaaaa.... hungry. I like totallyyyyy want something to eaattt." He slurred, giving us a smile, exposing the fact he had lost one of his canine teeth in the escape. I laughed, obviously. Because toothless people are funny and if you disagree it's because you have a toothless family member that treated you right even though nobody else liked you because you were am annoying little tattletale outcast with no friends and when you turn eighteen the toothless relative gave you a hit of a cigarette and got you addicted to nicotine.
Fuck you.

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