Chapter 20: Strangers Again.

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I took a deep breath, I was only a few feet away from the water tower, ducked behind a small building...
Pumpkin slashed and smashed, letting out a preposterous roar so strong that I could feel the ground shake beneath me. Her breath was Stinky, Rancid. But if you've ever stepped within three feet of Jack, Its a sensation you get extremely used to.

I couldnt get the thoughts of failure out of my head, I suffered with my own suspicions before, but what Nicky said about Demons just exasperated that. What If we did all this shit just for it to not work? What if she had her own set of conditions to leave us alone, to purge herself from our lives? I always thought I was special, like i was born for greatness. But this, this was far from greatness. I felt like I was being punished, but then when I tried to change things got inarguably worse. Maybe bad things just happen, maybe theres nothing I can do to stop it and maybe I just have to deal with this head on... I wish I could tell myself in this moment what to do, how to feel. I wish I could help myself, because even today the feeling of dread has stuck with me.

my feelings fluctuate, sometimes I feel like I made the right decision in the end, but sometimes I feel like I didnt. Those days are the worst, the longing, the knowledge that it's so easy to undo what happened, but knowing that if I did, the consequences would be catastrophic.

I waited in anticipation, my breath shaking as I began looking for any opening that would allow me to make it to the tower. The combination of fear, dread, and copious amounts of burning and crunchy pain was causing me to be impatient, Reckless. Pumpkin began to turn, I stepped out from my hiding spot. Just a second too early, a second too quickly. She snapped her monstrous head back towards me, her beast lips turning up in a smile as she dragged her claw on the ground as if she were an angered bull, I gasped. Fuck. Fuck! I fucked up, I fucked up so fucking badly. What the fuck do I do? What the fuck could I do?! It felt impossible, she felt unstoppable. I felt my feet shuffle as my body turned, I ran for what felt like the millionth time in the past two hours, the water tower wasnt ready for me yet, I had to assume position, so I needed to get her off of me, and fast.

Her size made catching up to me a fucking cakewalk, I made a desperate attempt to run up the stairs of the chapel before I was stopped dead in my tracks, pumpkin let out a grotesque sound, a large meteor erupting from her mouth and landing directly in front of me, I didnt even know what to do, I mean what the hell? I shuffled around it as quickly as possible, forcing my way back into the church with a serious speed, I clumsily tried to stop myself, turning back and falling to the ground as the sight of the monster growing closer through the beautiful stained glass windows send chills down my back, I turned once more, shuffling myself a bit further as I heard her crash through the chapel walls, roaring and growling as loudly as she could, the amounts of bricks and wood seemed to slow and disorient her. She was ripping through this gigantic building like it was nothing, growing closer to me, swiping her claws blindly as rubble fell around her.
I brought myself to my beautifully manicured feet, busting my stunning and slim shoulder through the back door, running down another hall and eventually out the backside of the church. The Adrenaline seemed to eliminate any exhaustion that illuminated in me, I made haste to the water tower, knowing that the second the witchy demon noticed I had made an escape that she would be hot on my trail once more. The water tower, while large in size, stood surrounded by multiple buildings, buildings that could easily be used if needed. It was held up by four small beams, it was one of those old timey once. If you could have seen this town youd know that it fit perfectly. Also, why do you need a water tower if you're like twenty feet from the goddamn ocean? Yall are so redundant and stupid. Just drink the ocean water, pick the salt out and enjoy it. I mean shit, theres kids in like Wisconsin or something that would kill for that.

Roa stood by one beam, Kayla by another, Avery by the third. I jogged to the fourth, resting my forehead on it as I caught my breath.

"Jesus, You good?" Roa asked.
I nodded, panting and eventually swallowing the smog ridden and smoke infested air.
I looked back, seeing the high cross that stood proudly and firmly above the church, higher than almost all other buildings, gone. Sunken. The church was demolished, I honestly had hoped that the whole demons cant set foot on blessed ground thing was true, but knowing a lot of modern churches, it probably wasnt the most holy place of worship.

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