Chapter 3

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(What the fuck is happening?)
The strange girl supposedly named 'Ella' walks up to me with a glare fixed on her face. If I wasn't confused as to who the hell she was, I probably would have been intimidated. Not to mention I was way to out of it thinking about who she was. I didn't notice that she had drawn her hand and with that slaps me across the face. Usually my first instinct would be to cup my cheek but instead I jab her straight in the nose, I hear a crunch telling me I broke her nose resulting in her falling to the ground screaming in agony. Surprisingly she composes herself quickly and is up in a flash but I grab her shoulders and turn her before roundhouse kicking her out the open door. Her body flys foreword and her hands react by bracing herself as she falls to the ground.
But before she can even look up I yell,

"Now stay the fuck away from roommates BITCH!"
After that I slammed the door to find a very happy Joe and Caspar. Then to my surprise they both engulf me in a hug, even Joe.
"Group Hug!"
Caspar shrieks and I swear he is more of a kid than me. For something different Joe actually joined in the hug, only for a second but it's the thought that counts.

"Let's play Xbox"
I yell as we awkwardly disassemble from the group hug.

"Hell yeah, prepare to have your ass whooped in Call of Duty"

"In your dreams Joe!"

Caspar smirks at us and I furrow my eyebrows at him,

"What are you smirking at?"
Caspar chuckles nervously,

"Remind me never to get on your bad side!"
I grin at his weird way of complimenting my fighting skills.
"I learnt from my brother"

I gleam as I remember one of the only happy memory's of my brother. He was trying to teach me how to kick and every time I face planted he would shout 'strike one' 'strike two' really loud and we'd end up laughing for ages. That was before everything went bad. I quickly snap out of my day dream because I Do Not want to think about them.
I grin at Caspar just as Joe starts yellIng,
"Stop grinning like an idiot and come play Xbox!"
I run over to him and jump onto the couch putting my legs on his lap. I pick up and Xbox controller and he un-pauses he game and we start playing.
During the games I get the chance to slyly check Joe out. He has messy tousled hair that makes you want to run your hands through it, cool and calculating blue eyes that you want to get lost in but we can't forget that jaw line. Damn, snap out of it. He's my room mate for god sake.
After 2-3 rounds of me thrashing Joe he finally gives up.
"Whatever Charlie you so cheated! Now I'm hungry so go make us food!"
He commanded.

I raise my eyebrows at him,
"Excuse me what did you just say?"
He give me a cheeky grin and repeats himself,
"I want you woman, to get back in the kitchen!"
Joe exclaims,

I get up and mumble profanities under my breath before yelling back
"Sexist Bastard"
as I walk into the kitchen,
Joe yells back,

"I heard that!"
I roll my eyes and yell back,
"You were meant to, stupid!"

I grin as he glares, somewhat playfully at me,

"Why don't you make your own food, lazy son of a bitch"
He just grunts and changes the channel.
With that I walk out of the kitchen and down the stairs to my room.
I decided that I'm going to prank Joe, I'll do it tomorrow since he's going out to see Alfie meaning hell be out for a while blogging and stuff for youtube.
I grin as I look at my list of pranks, I chose to do a couple he's not going to see coming.
Ill need to ask Caspar for some shaving foam and stuff but I'm so excited.

I choose the pranks I want to do, so I get straight to work but first I better talk to Casper.

I exit my room and walk down the hall to his room, I knock excitedly till I hear a faint come in. Opening the door I walk in shutting the door before asking,
"Hey cassy, can I borrow something please?"
I manage to say in the cutest voice I could manage, then batt my eyelashes at him,

"Yeah... what is it Charlie?"
He asks, nervously as I'm grinning from ear to ear.
"I need your shaving foam!"
Caspar just looks down right confused so I quickly say,
"No... Um right.... I'm doing pranks like Smack cam on Joe and you see I need to use shaving foam but I don't have any so do you have some?"

When I finally finish blurting out my prank Caspar shares the same cheeky grin as me and goes to his wardrobe, why wouldn't he go to his bathroom? I have no idea, but then he ushers me over and he opens the cupboard and surely enough it's filled with any and every pranking necessity needed, I smirk.
"Your a genius Cassy!"
He chuckles,
"I know, I know!"
Cocky bastard but honestly he is a genius the cupboard has multiple cans of silly string, scary masks, fart bombs and any and everything I need to prank Joe!

But before I can touch anything Caspar shuts the cupboard and turns to face me,
"Charlie, first let's make a deal!"
I smirk liking the sound of this, he continues,

"What's going to happen is I'll give you full access to the cupboard but you 1) don't tell Joe and 2) Don't prank Me!"
I laugh and then squeeze him tightly in a hug,
"deal" I exclaim.
He grins and goes back to what he was doing,
Before I go into the cupboard I turn to look at him.

"Why was that Ella girl here?"

I know It's not my business but I need to know.

Caspar frowns and opens his mouth but closes it immediately,

I shake my head,
"Never Mind Cassy I don't need to know" (lie) I give him a small smile and turn back to the cupboard.

I collect the stuff needed and thank Caspar as fast as I could that silence was eating me up.
Talk about awkward.

I head straight to Joes ensuite, I grab his tooth paste and unscrewed the lid, I squeezed half of the toothpaste into a zip lock bag (so we don't waste it) I then pipe in the mayonnaise,
'Yuck this stuff smells Disgusting!'
I think to myself,
When I finish putting the Mayo in I dab some tooth paste on top to disguise it.

"Charlie, I hope you know revenge is always worse when it's from Joe!"
Caspar says from behind me, like he knows everything, sure sure.

"Cassy, you are so right I need to go big or go home."
I say excitedly,

"No char that's not what I meant"

I grin,
"I know... so what shall we do to go of with a bang?"

Caspar shakes his head,
"Charlotte I'm not getting involved!"

I pout,
"not even for me?"
I say using my gorgeous blue puppy dog eyes and batting my eyelashes.
It's a triple threat no one can say no to: puppy dog eyes batting eyelashes and a pout.
God I'm good!

Caspar thinks it over and replies a couple minutes later,
"F....f...fine you win, just put the friggen puppy dog eyes away."

I grin and inwardly high five myself, of course my little cassy caved in.

"So what should we do for the Big Bang?"
I ask still unsure my self,
He grins and I look up he obviously has an idea, yay?

"Alright I have one big prank"
I nod eagerly wanting to know what the prank is.
"Dye his hair, I have the best stuff I'll go get it!"

As soon as he said that I start jumping up and down with excitement. Caspar came back out of his bathroom with a box of bright pink hair dye, Hell yes.

"Here you go, it's only temporary but it's really bright."
He explains as he throughs the package at me, I catch it easily and thank him before leaving.
Alright so the plan is:
Toothpaste - check
Shaving cream - check
Hair dye - check
Heaps of Duct tape - check
So the plan is:
when Joe comes home he will get a face full of cream and when he goes to sleep i will tape him in his bed an dye his hair pink and when he brushes his teeth mayo. Bam talk about prank master.
God I'm good!

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