Jennifer: The Big Bang

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Sup, wusses, I'm Daniel also known as "Silver" my life is pretty interesting. First of all, I go to a university named SUSSY, and just like the school, everybody is either gay, bi, les or a pervert (or if you are REALLY lucky, you can find one that is like what we call in the hood, "The Full Package")

Let's stop with the talking, lets get to the SERIOUS business.


Today, was a Monday, and as any other Monday, I was in the mood to BANG, but, HOLY S**T, I am so late for class, THE BANGING WILL HAVE TO WAIT, I turn into flash and eat my food like one maniac. I somehow found a way to put my clothes on, bathe, eat within 26 seconds (Bruh That should be a record) ANYWAY, I get to the hall, just to remember One small detail, I WAS HAVING A BONER WHY JUST WHY. I have to find a way  to get through this whole class with a MAJOR boner, I'm talking 8 inches My G. This class could not have gone any longer.


There was a fire in the class next to us, so that gave about 35 other Students to take a pic of my Dick. But luckily for me, all the girls are looking at it very interestingly which is giving me some "Horny" vibes.


I finally found my way back to my dorm and all I wanted to do was rest.


"Who is it"


"Fine, COME IN"

I open my door and comes in JENNIFER. I forgot to tell yall about Jennifer. She is like that bougey-ass rich girl you have in a school that usually rules the school. But now, she was in my dorm, and DAMN, she was looking FINE.

Let me just describe what happened afterwards


She pushed me onto the bed and we kissed for about 30 minutes. But doing this made me feel a bit weird. But who cares, when you get to stick your 8 inches into the prettiest girl in the school, nothing seems weird

BTW. I just realized what made me feel weird, I didn't use a condom.


*New episode on Friday*

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