How My Football Career Ended in 3 Seconds

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The past few days have gone by with a DRAG. There is nothing to do in this school. So as bored as I was, I decided to do the most SILVER thing I could do, I decided to join a sport and not just any sport, I decided to join FOOTBALL.

Here me out

It's not like I don't like Football, my body is just not built for that, a normal Football player could carry me with his left pinky. But it never hurts to try, I went to the coach, ask if I could try out and somehow, he allowed me to try out.

                                                                                       Football Tryouts

I woke up early in the morning just to prep for this, for someone who doesn't know how to even play football, I has hyped as heck, I was blasting my music in my dorm, vibin' to 'Go Stupid' by Polo G ( I swear that man's tracks are on fire.


I walk out, bouncing in the football uniform feeling like Tom Brady, flexing my 'non-existent' muscles to the 'non-existent girls' in front of me until coach called me to get into the line.



6'5 GIANTS all around me, I tried to go away, but the coach gave me that 'I told you so' look. But still I felt determined I to out do all of these guys. Pace is always better than strength and being slim, I was very fast.

So, here goes nothing.

The first drill was a sprinting drill. I am really fast but I struggled to compete, for people who are like  foot tall, they run like heck. But hell broke loose when They told us to play a match, they separated us into 3 teams of 4 players. I was on the last team so we ad to watch the other teams play and HECK, I was scared, there was one guy, Leo van Drew, one South African Bloke that is MAD at this game, The other team's captain got the ball from like 80 yards out and LEO ran like a cheetah, grabbed him by the legs and threw him down. My G's nose was bleeding. All in all, Leo's team won 150-5, WHATTTTT!!!!!!!. 

I'm Screwed.

It was now time for the team I was one to face Leo's team. I had to pray before I start because, I don't want no broken after this game. we lined up and started the game.

The game was pretty even and we were tied 60-60 I had a pretty decent game. But my true moment  came when I had the ball for the first time (Yes I said I had a decent game, you won't understand) I got the ball and RAN. I pasted everyone. I cold see the touchdown. But then, disaster struck. As I was running, I felt a breeze blow me. I looked back but saw no-one. I turned my head and infront of me, The 6'5 figure of Leo van Drew stood infront of me. Somehow, he managed to run pasted me and try and block me.

Impact hit. I was never the same again.

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