Tell me something...

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I woke this morning in Bash bed. Not waking him up, I got out his bed,took my pill, and we drive to school together. I haven't been in a lot of pain lately.

 Bash was walking down the hallway with his brother.

"Hello Bash, Hello Bash brother." I say smiling at my boyfriend
"Hello peanut" Will say with a goofy smile on his face
"That is why I don't like you." I say with a fake smile looking at him
"Aww I love you too peanut" he say patting my head, and walking away
"I feeling like walking out of school right now" Bash say lending on the lockers, pulling me closer to him
"Gosh, Bash me too. I hate school. Always had always will" I say taping my finger on his chin
"But you are great in school." He say looking down at me
"I know still hate it" looking at him, smiling
"Are we going to talk about her mother last night."
"Nope. We are walking to class now"
Bash gives me a kiss in my temple, and walk next to me with his hand on the lower part of my back. I take his other hand, and play with his rings.

I feel his watching me, and I can't help,but to smile
"What?" I say trying not to smile or laugh
"I like watching you" he say with a cheeky smile
"Creep" I said looking back down at his left hand, while his right hand goes inside the waist band of my pants.
"Yeah right" He say while still looking at me moving one of his fingers in a circle on my waist, while I move my right hand to his chest.

"Hate to break this up" a voice said walking up to us
"Than don't" I say wasn't turning around
"I- we need you Sammy. Like now." Stiles say
" It's always the boys that need me. You never see Ally, and Lyds needing me. Do you?" I say turning to face him
"Sam. It's about our snake problem" Stiles say. And I know exactly what he means

Well now I have to go. Its Jackson.

"Ugh. I'm sorry Bash. I kinda have to go." I turned back around to talk to him
"Okay, we can talk later then." He say putting his hands on my arm
I grabbed his face, to give him a kiss, while getting up.  He grabs my hips pulling me back , moving his hands to my back.

WE ARE IN SCHOOL,but I can't pull away.

"See ya" I say breathless, cleaning  my mouth off, because of my lipstick

"I don't trust him" Stiles say as we walked into the school hallways

I stopped walking, and grabbed his arm so he can stop too.
"Well, I don't care. I'm happy. I want and need to be happy. So, even if he's a murderer, let me have my 5 minutes of pleasure. Please."
" I don't want You to get hurt" he says as if he didn't call out another person name while we was having sex. Our first- No My first time
" Well, I'm already hurt." Walking ahead of him

Walking in hall, I can't stop thinking about that kiss. I was.. was something. Not like our normal kiss, it was more passionate.
Why do I have a feeling that Bash is jealous of Stiles?

                 Later that day.........

I don't know how, I don't know why but I am at a gay club.

"I think this is a gay club" Scott say
" Nothing gets pass your werewolf sense" Stiles say sassy
"Okay. Guys we are here to find Danny, nothing else. Stiles"I say to the boys mostly looking at Stiles. He might be bi-sexual
"What?" He say catching on to what I just said
"What?" I say, acting like I don't know what he's going in about
"Let's get drinks" Scott say looking around
" No. I'll look for Danny" I say, turning to walk away
"Okay" the boys say

For a while of looking for him, I find him dancing with a guy
The guy is fine as hell. I dance over to them, and get behind Danny while the guy dancing in front of him.
"Having fun?" I say in Danny ear
"Yeah. Why are you here?" Danny say
"Having fun Dan-Dan" I say in a low voice moving my hand towards Danny chest, still dancing behind him.

"You can go, I'm bored now" Danny said to the guy making him leave
" Damn. Bold" I say as Danny turn to face me
"Let's have fun Sam" he say while putting his hands on my waist
"Well okay" I say kissing his cheek, moving my hips side to side
After a while ..."I'll go get drinks, ok?" Danny say. And I watch him walk away.
"Okay" even though he can't hear me anymore

I feeling someone watching me, I started to look around. I see Stiles, but it's not him. I'm still looking around, then I see Ryan, Standing in the crowd watching me.

Derek 2.0    Really

I started walking to him, but Stiles pulled me back.

"Found Jackson. Where were you going?" Stiles say, looking confused
"No where. Let's get him than" I say looking at him waiting for him to start walking

"Ahhh" "Run" "Go away" people was screaming damn. I lost Danny

How? How? How do I always end up in one of Stiles fool-proof plans?

They locked Danny up inside a police van, and I went home.I walked in to the house not even 5 minutes later.

I felt something heavy hit my head and everything went black.


To my love <3: We need to talk answer me please

                          I'm worry. Please answer.
                          It has been 5 hours
                          Answer me please.

It been hours, and Samantha still don't answer. I go to Stiles house, and walk into his house like I owned the place.

"Um.... Sam, isn't here"
"Why not? Have you heard from her?"
"No. Scott and I been calling her no answer."
"I think something happened to her. She don't this long without texting me, she would even call me 5 times a day"
"Maybe, she thought the two of you spends way too time together, so she cut you off. For a bit.
"But i-"
"Look. She's fine" Stiles say waving his hands in the air
Okay I have something got do. I'll look for her. If it makes you feel better
Okay" Stiles say nodding his head
"Okay. Let me now" I walk away from his door

I know it's a small chapter.

next chapter:oh what will happen
Chapter after that: The truth

1070 words**

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