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"Derek what the hell is going on with me?"
"I have no idea." Derek said walking into my room

Derek just came back from talking with Scott. I don't know about, and I kinda don't care.

"Do you know anyone that can help?" I asked him, he looked up about to speak "Nevermind, of course you don't you look like you're mad all the time. And you are no fun." I asked walking across my room to get my pills

"This is what I have to take everyday so I don't throw up-."
"Samantha, calm down. You won't die." Derek said cutting me off
"HOW DO YOU KNOW?" I yelled at him
"Because I just do. You won't."
"What do you know that I don't?"
"A lot of things."
"Okay, anyways. Something is out there killing people we don't have time to talk about me right now. We need to find a way to stop it."

And that is why we are here

"Lydia is not the damn thing killing people" I said to Scott,Stiles,Allison,Erica,Issac, and Derek
"You and that bitch might be killing people together" Erica said
"Lydia isn't that thing. if you don't believe her, believe me." I said following after Derek as he  walked away
"She wasn't affected by it." Derek said 
"I wasn't either. What about me. do you think I'm a killer?"
"I know you're not. But-"
"-Someone might making you, like with your friend-"
"-And Peter"
"Is not like that. I know it. It's not-
"I say we kill them both." Erica said walking towards me

I don't move, I just watch as she moves. daring her to try. I hear Derek sign behind me

"We don't know which one of you it is, so we kill both." Erica said
Just as she was about to jump at me Scott pulled me back

"Enough. Either of them are the killers" Scott said looking at Ercia, and Derek.
"She wasn't affect."
"Listen here Dog, I don't care what you may think. Lydia or I is not the killer, because if I was I would kill you. You mut." I said walking up slowly towards her.

This is the shortest chapter ever. The next one will be longer

---356 words

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