Oh What Will Happen?....

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Samantha p.o.v

I woke up when someone threw freezing cold water in me. I opened my eyes with a gasp leaving my mouth, my hands tied to the ceiling. My head hurts, but I guess that happens when you get hint in the head with something hard.

"About time you woke up" a female voice said, but I can't see. My vision is blurry

"I say we kill her now" a deep male voice say. It sounds like he is walking up towards me

"We kill her now, take her powers, and no on would know"

"Or. You could let me go and-" I tried to say in a low raspy voice but he cut me off by punching my stomach

"Shut up O'Neal" he say punching me again in the stomach, making me throw up blood

The male ripped up my shirt, and start laughing
"Looks like she met a werewolf" the male said tracing his finger along the claw marks on my abdomen
"We are not here for that. Let's get to work" the female said walking up to me
"Where is the necklace, sweetie?" the female voice asked me
"I don't know. I swear. I don't" I said, trying no to cry
"She is lying" the male said
"Cut her" the female said stepping back so the male can step forward

When the female voice said that, the male cut my abdomen, right above Scott claw marks
I screamed out
"Where is the necklace" the female voice asked me again
"I don't know" I yelled her
"Cut her" she said

The next cut went in my forearm. As the male cut me he was laughing.
Making me sick to my stomach

Lydia p.o.v

I tried calling Samantha. But she's not answering. Of course I would piss her off too.  I piss everyone off

I feel like I'm going crazy. Allison won't listen to me, And Samantha is MIA.

I need my best friends, but they ain't here.

The boy I been seeing the pass few weeks, keep popping up and talking to me.

"Hey Sammy. I need you right now. Please call me back. Something is happening. And you said to call you, please answer." I left Samantha a voicemail. I keep leaving her voicemails

"Hey Ally. Can we meet-" I tried to Allison again. same ol' same ol'
"Not right now Lydia. Um.... Family thing. I'm sorry. We can meet up later though."
"Oh... Okay. Talk later-"
"Okay bye" She left without even listen to me... again

Of course Allison is too busy, to talk to me. Where the hell is Samantha?

"Hey Sebastian, have you talked to Sam?"
"No. She won't answer none of my calls"
"Yeah. I'm worry about her."
"Same. I'm sure she's fine though. She is one tuff little mama" I said smiling touching his arm, rubbing it

This might be supernatural. I can't let him know that though.

"... You know don't you" He say grabbing my arm pulling me back towards him
"Know what?" I say playing dumb
"You know what." He say in a dark tone
"What you talking about? Know what?"
"Samantha might be in real danger, stop acting like a dumbass"
"Fine." I say pulling my arm away from him"I know. She told me, a while ago"
"How long did she know?"
"I don't know."
"Who else does"
"Just me and her" I lied
"So she knows about the supernatural. Great. That saved me a very awkward conversation."
" Yeah. I guess"
"I'll find her. Don't worry about. I promise"
"Not without me."
"She is my best friend. I love her. I need her to be okay, okay. So i'm coming to."
"Ugh, fine. come on"

Samantha p.o.v

For the pass 7 hours. I have had cold and hot water threw at me. Cuts everywhere, all for a stupid necklace. The male keep pushing me.

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