the old days...

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giyuu and ~rengoku~ were hanging out at the park late at night, underage drinking, laughing, playing games, what regular 15 and 14 year olds on a night out would do.

that was what happened for around 6-7 months, just as friends.

untill giyuu got totally wasted on rengokus sweet 16th and lost control of himself and kissed rengoku for a solid 70 seconds with no air or breathers.

giyuu didnt even realise untill rengoku who was almost sober had a questioning look upon his face has giyuu pulled away.

giyuu at this time had been 14 for about 5 months and was very easy to lead on..

rengoku was a fresh 16 year old who knew his stands and preferences.

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after about 2 months from rengokus 16th, rengoku started dating giyuu. which very little  may say is a perfect couple, most others will stare in utter disgust as they are both men; dating.

giyuu didnt know how bad his situation would get, the advantage rengoku had over him was mental, and once rengoku turned 17, and giyuu 15, it all whent down hill.

short chapter as this is only a backround info part~

yes rengoku is the one dating giyuu at the start as stated in the description.

and ik its wrong to make him 16 and giyuu 14, but thats how i need the story to ho in order to write up the torture part of the story

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