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Five years ago Emily had a normal life, besides being a fox shiftier. Her mom and dad were the best parents a kid could ask for, they always support their daughter even when she said that she wanted to go to school so her parents arranged for her to attend high school the following year. Emma and her family lived in a burrow in the ground because a fox shiftier are weaker than the other shiftier and living in the ground provides protection. But on one terrible day the hunters found them. Emma mom and dad were killed instantly, Emma and her sisters fled faraway form their home to a new home. The only problem is that it is on the North Green Forest Pack land. Emma must go out at night for the burrow that she build for her family to get food. For four years she never got caught but every ones luk runs out evenly.


Hay guys I know that this is short but now you know Emilys past and the next chapter will be in present time. Updates may be slowy I am currently working on another story called Shadow Hunters. I still like feed back

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