Chapter 1

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Emma POV

Emma we're hungrey cried both my sisters. I know guys its just not dark enough yet, go lay down and I will wake you guys when I get back ok. But sis they both says.. No buts now go to bed so I can go hunt. Fine! They both yell. Once they were both asleep I shifited into fox form and left the burrow two go hunting. I spoted a rabbit and I pouncet on it I then snapt its neak and looked for more. I found and killed three more and started back to the burrow but then I spotted 2 werewolf. I ran to a near by tree hid my kill under the buch next to the tree and hied inside hole by another tree waitng for them to pass.

Joy PoV

Me and my beta John were walking through the woods on a patrol when I smelled something. "Hay John do you smell that? Ya, what is that ? It smells like death I said. Grrrrrrrr. What the hell was that said I. Its coming form over there said John. As we got clouser we found what was growling. When we got in fornt of it, the most butiful fox jumpt out with its teeth baring at me. "Mate" I said and John looked at me like really. My wolf did not know what was going on. Are you sure that this is our mate I ask my wolf Ace. I dont know, it may or may not be. I need more time to think. I was snap back to realiy by John. What I said. Did you just say that was your mate said John pointing to the growling fox. I don't know. Why is it growling at us we have't done anything to it said John. I took in a deep breath and could smell blood. Do you smell that I ask John. Ya it smells like freash kill. That must be it, we are near her food. Let's get back and watch were she goes from a safe distance I said to john through the mind link. Yes alpha John responded.
We went into wolf form and hid in the bushes a few feet back and watch her as she picked up her kill and ran. We followed her all the way to a clearing, to a tall tree with a hole in the ground right in front of it. I watch as she went in and came back out to make sure that she was not followed. Luckily for me I was out of her rang to smell me. She then went back into the hole. I know now where she lives and I will come back here tomorrow night. But first I need to talk to my father. I then shifted back grab some clothes that I hid in a bag under a rock just in case, I then put them on and went home.

Emma POV

I kept having a feeling that someone was still watching me after I escaped those two guys. I don't know why but I had a strange feelings for the tall guy but I just shrugged it off, I won't know if he's my mate until me 18 birthday which is in one month. Foxes only find their mates on their 18 birthday, not sooner or later. If you don't find them by your 19 birthday then you will be lonely for the rest of your life. We are not like werewolf or coyotes that have the luxury of finding there mates anytime of their life. After I went back out to double check that I was not followed I shifted into human form and went into the kitchen. Are burrow is unique because we have an entire house basically underground. We also have power and plumbing. I woke up Laura and Lily and tell them to go to the kitchen table and wait for supper. I cooked up the rabbit so that it was edible to eat and gave it to my two sisters. I wanted them to eat first before I do. After they were done I ate what was left and told them to go to bed. But I still had this strange feeling about the person I met while hunting, but I just shrugged it off and went to bed.

Joey POV

When I got home I went straight to my father, I wanted to ask him about foxes and if there is a possibility that any of the shifter where still alive. But when I got home he was already asleep, I guess have to wait till tomorrow. So I walked upstairs and went to bed.

Hay guys I will be updating Shadow Hunter soon I am having writers block. please vote and comment but nicely

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