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His heart skipped beat after he heard her call him "Naruto kun." It is his first time bieng called with the Honorific "Kun". he brush Hinata's hair strands while gazing at Hanabi who was still playing with the sand

"Mmmm-Hinata." He heard her chuckle a little bit and so he unconsciously smiled

Hinata lift up her head and view the face of the smiling Uzumaki "you look more handsome when you smile."

"Ehhhh." Naruto gazed at the blunette who was staring at him.he diverted his blushing face after seconds of making an eye contact "d-don 't say that, it makes me conscious about my look."

Hinata just hummed in response as gaze back to her younger sister's direction

After an hour Hinata's fever went down but Naruto is still hugging her she didn't dare to get away and she just stayed in his embrace

"Big sis, big bro!!!" Hanabi hazed running towards Naruto and Hinata

"What's the matter Hanabi?"

"There's some boat float'n it seemed to be goin in dis Direct'ion!"

"Huh?it must be Kakashi!"

Naruto assisted Hinata to stand up then he ran towards the water to scan the boat's figure "it's Kakashi."

He ran towards where he hang his Jacket and he wrap it around Hinata's shoulders, he wore his white t shirt and then assisted Hinata to walk towards the boats

They sat beside each other and Hanabi sat beside Kakashi in front of them

"Kakashi!" naruto called out with his usual cold husky voice

"What is milord?"

"Punnish the Goya gan for what they have done."

"Yes milord."

They arrived at Naruto's mansion

"Kakashi prepare a room for Hinata and her sister, make sure their room is close to my room." Naruto whispered to Kakashi while holding Hinata's hands as they walk in the hallway

"Yes milord."

Naruto let Hinata and Hanabi change their clothes then feed them for their lunch afterwards

Kakashi have fixed their rooms and sent Hinata and Hanabi there and let them take their rest

"Tell Shikamaru to look for Sasuke and the other Dojutsu members and sent them to the shelter that i told you to prepare."

"Yes milord." Kakashi respond as he vowed down and take his leave afterwards

"Naruto happy birthday dude." Kurama acclaimed kicking the office door as he enter the office with Naruto sitting on his desk


"Oi i heard you were drag into a fight with Goya gang."


"How is it?"

"We ran away....there are only three of us and there are hundreds of them, plus Hinata is sick so she can't fight all out."

"Hmmmm-is that so."


"So how's Hinata?"

"Huh? Hinata?"

"Ahhhh nothing."

"Ehhh that's odd..."

"Yeah...well anyway, you forget about Onodera...... Onodera, you make her wait for you in that Hotel and make her fuck her self hahahahah.." Kurama bursted on laugher

Lust X Pride =Love (the NaruHina fanfic) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu