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In the next day ~
Yawned~Naruto stretched his arms while still lying on his bed....

A few minutes of stretching on his bed, his phone rang by the call of his butler, he pick it up "milord."

"Yeah."he dully replied

"Here's your schedule for toda-"

"Cancel it all!" He cut off his butler concurrently turning off his phone.....

A few more minutes and he have gone out from his bedroom still wearing his pajamas

"Zup!" Kurama approached him in the hallway with a cup of coffee on his hand

"Kurama." He responded

"What's the matter with you yesterday... you look like you have gone into a fight."


"Then what happened?"

"Whatever happened, is none of your business." He smirked passing by Kurama


He sat down on the long rectangular dining table with his butler assisting him

"Kakashi." He called out the butler standing beside him before he drag a steak to his mouth

"Yes milord?"

Naruto took seconds to respond since he is chewing his food "prepare my car...."

"W-where are you going, milord?"

"Just do it!"

"Ahhh y-yes milord." The masked butler vowed his head and leave to do the thing that his master ordered him to do

Naruto finished eating, he change cloth, and fix himself then go to his garage afterwards

"Im going to go alone.... don't you dare to follow me..." Naruto said as he entered his black car

"Yes milord."

"And, Kakashi.... assign mens to watch after Hinata and the other Dojutsu gang members."

"Yes milord."

Naruto drove himself to the mitsu beach, he arrived and entered the house without anyone's permission.... he entered the house and it is quiet, it seems like no one is there

He peek into the hallway and he heard some footsteps from the hallway .

"Naruto?" A soft voice called him out from behind him , he turned his head and he saw a girl with maroon colored hair, and black eyes, she has straight short hair that frame her face.... she is wearing a towel that was wrapped around her body

Naruto slightly blushed when he saw her only having a towel around her body

"Ahhh i am ia nice to meet you." She muttered as she walk towards him with a seductive pace

"Yeah.... nice to meet you too Ia." Naruto responded as he diverted his gaze from her chest that was slightly showing over because of the towel is kind of slipping

"I am a Dojutsu gang member hehe" she muttered, Ia literally is interested on him she placed her small hand on Naruto's chest and slowly rub it downwards, Naruto on the other part was turned on.... Considering Naruto's fame ,people or girls might've used their sexuality to be connected to him and to have a share on his blessings or fame

"I-is that so." Naruto muttered as he placed his hand above her hand that was on his chest, and he began to start heating up....

Ia stopped pacing downward Naruto's chest and just pulled him towards one of the bedroom

Lust X Pride =Love (the NaruHina fanfic) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora