[3] werewolf

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Though he often complained to Lily about James Potter this and James Potter that, it was six months before Severus brought up the marauders' unusual behaviour, like he had that day in the library, again. That was they were known as now, and though now everyone knew the nicknames (Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs) that they called each other, everybody was unsure wether it was okay for them to address the group as such and therefore nobody did. This time, it was Lily who approached her friend.
"Sev, you've been spending a whole lot of time in the library recently." she said, pulling up a chair next to him, a look of concern on her face. He turned to face her, smiling.
"I've got it Lily."
"I know what the marauders are up to."
"You do?" she asked sceptically, eyebrow raised.
"Well, partially. That odd Lupin kid. I've figured out what's wrong with him. You know how they sneak out at night, every month at the full moon?"
"I hadn't been checking." she said exasperatedly.
"Well it all fits! He's a-" Snape lowered his voice "werewolf."
"That's absurd."
"Is it?"
"Yes, it is. Dumbledore would have never-"
"Open your eyes Lily! All the evidence suggests it..."
At that moment, the marauders burst through the door, laughing. The librarian shot them a very nasty glance, and they quieted down immediately, taking a table next to Severus and Lily. Three of the boys began taking out their schoolwork, but James, who had noticed Lily, turned in his seat and whispered:
"Hey! Hey, Evans!"
"Ignore him." Snape muttered, but Lily whispered back.
"Want to go out with me?"
Surprised, Lily's ears went very red. She supposed that this was a new way for him to amuse himself.
"Not a chance!"
"Why not?"
"You're cocky, you're a bully and overall just not a nice person."
James was about to turn back around when he heard Snape snort. James slowly looked towards Snape.
"What was that, Snivellus?"
"Don't call him that." Lily interjected. Snape stayed silent.
"What, need a girl to fight your battles?"
"No." Snape said, because he couldn't think much else to say.
"Then meet me just outside the Forbidden Forest in twenty minutes and we'll see if you're a real man."

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