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So this isn't going to take up the whole page but I wanted to say this.

When I first found Wattpad, I mainly used it for reading fanfics. I didn't really associate with other users outside of replying to random comments, and I was content with that. Sure, I had some irl issues, but I kept it to myself.

Until I actually got people on Wattpad who care and who I would call friends. They were and still are great and I (platonically) love them with all my heart.

Irl, I have friend issues. Yes, I have friends that consider me as a friend, but it's weird. They all have friends they would rather hang out with, to the point where I just feel like a backup in case no one else is there. Then I have a friend who is just rude to me half the time.

But anyways, they all ignore my existence half the time. And even when they do, I can't give my input on anything. They just don't care. I can't talk to them about anything either. They would immediately dislike me if I said certain stuff.

I've tried venting to them in a gc before, and I cursed as I was upset, and they were more worried about than me being upset.

And I can't do much else with any other classmates as I get teased simply for being a girl and having periods. But if I even cry when they endlessly tease me/talk about a sensitive topic/injure me to the point I cry, I'm a baby.

Anywho, I'm starting to get that feeling from my Wattpad friends. I just really feel left out y'know? I mean, I know I'm included and stuff but just ignored really.

I feel as if I'm not as important to them as they are to me. Which is fine I guess, but yeah.

I want to apologize to those reading this and felt it was about you. I'm probably just being overly clingy and selfish. Like I said, it's fine I guess, I'll deal with it.

-Solar, 11/16/21

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