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So I did something shitty, but what's new

So I have a friend, let's call her A. We were talking once, and somehow a guy she rejected got brought up. He was nicknamed chipmunk by another friend, C, so joking around, I told C that A liked the guy.

C believed it, and A got really mad at me. But I have this thing to where after I do something like that I don't apologise because it gets awkward but still regret it, so yeah. Anywho, we had a one-sided argument and parted ways. However, we were both in the same class and friends with a close friend of mine, B. So instead of just avoiding me herself, what I'd expect her to do, she's actively making sure I'm excluded and can't hang out or talk to B.

To attempt to fix this, I talked to C about the whole thing and she told me she would talk to A, but A hasn't stopped.

A even excludes me so subtly that B doesn't even notice. So I can only talk to B in classes we both have but she doesn't.

Something that actually happened: We had just got out of 1st hour and was heading to 2nd. A and B were walking in front of me and I didn't even bother to talk to them as I wanted to give A time to cool down by herself. Soon B turned to ask me something, then I was included in the conversation, much to A's disliking. We were all walking beside each other when we approached a narrow spot in the hallway. Only two people could fit through it, so me and B ended up beside each other as A hadn't been talking as much. But right before we got to the actual narrow spot, A ever so slightly shoved me backwards, forcing me behind the two. B didn't notice, or did but didn't say anything.

Another instance: In history, our teacher was letting us work in partners/groups of three. A, B, and I would usually work together for these types of things, so I figured I could ask to join them as they already agreed to be partners. When I asked A, she just spat no.

I guess I deserve it since I was being a bitch in the first place though.

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