Best Friends - Daniel

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What it'd be like being best friends with Daniel:

- You remember when he used to be awkward when you both first met, despite his best attempts to be nice and talk to you when you approached him. But now he doesn't stop talking once he gets started.
- You don't mind though. While half of what he says makes absolutely no sense, he does have pretty good stories to tell.
- Both of you stay pretty active. Going out to skateboard, surf, play sports, play pool, go to the movies, and so on.
- But there's also days you both just don't have the energy. So you stay in to watch tv, pet his dog, and order pizza or Chinese food.
-You've spent the night now and again, and you both always end up asleep at 4am on the living room floor. His parents and siblings are pretty fun to talk to during breakfast the following morning.
- Ben and Chris often come over to hang out, too. Seeing the trio interact can be entertaining in itself. The pointless arguments are plentiful.
- Music is a huge part of his life, so he's eager to show you his records and play guitar for you.
- Sometimes, when he doesn't feel good, he needs alone time. You understand and give him his space but within a couple days, it's right back to the same routine.
- School is boring so of course he passes you notes or expects you to watch out for him while he naps during class. Sometimes you gotta keep him from convincing himself to skip class.
- The Smile™️

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