Y/N'S backstory

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I woke up for my school day immediately running to the bathroom I put my brown hair up in a messy bun as I stared at the mirror from my ocean blue eyes.

I loved them so much but I knew that they were associated with a lot of weird things in the world too. not just the ocean sea probably also storms that I didn't like.

I love everyone that I go to school with but my high school is a little bit crazy I hope some people will be interested in the same things as me.

Art of swords mainly people carrying swords I think it's pretty cool of me I hope new students will make me feel happier or mainly me.

When I got to my locker I realized there was a girl and a boy with brown hair and brown eyes I was vary confused who they were so I asked.

"Hey who are you two?" I asked to the two people in front of me.

"Sabrina and he's my friend DJ we're both new here"

I thought dj didn't wanna speak with me then Sabrina told me something that shocked me.

"Oh I forgot my friend djs kinda shy and confused on where to go could you help us get to our classroom?"

This was wired for me everyone here wasn't shy and confused I was thinking if I should help or not.

"Sure then where is it?"

Sabrina replied with mine the top left of the classroom so I went to help them I wanted to make friendship neckless's for them.

"Thank you so much what's your name?"

I responded with "I'm Y/N N/A"

She said back "it was so nice meeting you Y/N N/-"

I responded with "oh no I go to this classroom too"

Part 2?

Y/N's backstoryWhere stories live. Discover now