chapter four continued

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 izuku pov


i walk over to the park, with sero by my side. sero is my friend from a few months ago, when he thought i was cool. i then found out he sold drugs and weed. we have a deal now. i get into ua and bail him out of any trouble, he gives me the good sh!t. what is life? why am i here? i look around because sero walked ahead, and i walk to where he is. 

he seems to be watching the river. it turns out he found a conveniently placed bench and was wondering why it was there. we sit down on the bench and he hands me some weed. i light it and start smoking it. we talk about random crap.

i hear the voice of a certian purple haired insomniac. he walks to the bench seconds after me and sero throw the weed into the river. i know ser has more stuff in his jacket, so i motion for him to tie the jacket around his waist, therefore hiding said 'stuff' 

hitoshi notices the jacket tied around his waist and the bulge in the pockets. he says "what's in the pockets?" i awnser "lollipops, what else?" i know sero always keeps lollipops in his pocket so he pulls one out and shows him. hitoshi believes us luckily. he walks away and we prepare more and smoke again. i look at the water and sero understands. he uses his quirk to swing across the river and we sit on the ground after a crash landing. i take off my shoes and put my feet in the water. we sit and smoke and talk and eat lollipops. we then take some stronger 'happy pills' and end up both soaked because when we snapped out of it it turned out we had taken a nosedive into the lake. i find my phone and text dad and papa, saying that i'm spending the night at seros. sero texts his mum and dad and says he's spending the night at my house.

i look at the darkening sky and decide we will spend the night at my house in the secret spot i found, as after a few months i put in some sleeping bags. we sneak into the house and we get scared when papa snores we sneak into the closet and see somebody in there sneaking around. i turn on the lights and..... 

it's hitoshi. i release a breath because i thought it was a robber. then i realize dad and papa  probably told them we were at his house (not lol) 

he looks at us and asks forcefully "where were you" we awnser at the same time, but different awnsers.i say "the park, we fell asleep." while he says "my house, we got scared though." i realize right after  awnser.. but it's too late for that now.

where were you? "at the park." we both awnser.

doing what? "we don't know." 

he looks suspicious (🤨 ) but let's it go. i think he's going to his room but i hear him going the wrong way. "uh hey sero?" "yeah?" i motion to the window. we go ZOOOOM to the window. we hear hito waking papa and dad up as we jump out the window. "BYE" we both S C R E A M.  we hear hito run to the window. we then sneak in again, more carefully, and look. we see the trio of suspicion looking around the closet. i listen in and it turns out they were look ing for the secret room door.

they must have heard me sneaking in one to many times.

* ze next day *

(time skip brought to you by me finally seeing an AVAcAdoS FrOm MexICo! add.)

we snuck into the room after they went to bed. we go out the door and find dad and papa waiting for us while hitoshi sits there looking smug af. 

turns out there were cameras in the closet. they go to search it and wrap me and sero up to the couch with dads tape-scarf-capture thing. i look over at sero and panic ( 😱 ) "your jacket" i whisper.

(haha cliffhanger.)

(jk jk)

they come back in with the jacket a few minutes later. "fuck" i say under my breath.

"lollipops, hmm? let's see!" says hitoshi. they dump out all the stuff in the jacket, which is a lot. the first things they see are the weed. then the 'baby powder' in a bag. they start yelling at me, just me, because sero snuck out a few minutes ago.  i feel impending doom. i feel like this is gonna be worse than my old dad...

i was right. my whole family beat me up. may god have mercy...

god actually said yes. 

my family stopped after about an hour, and i phew was i glad i learned first aid. 

*few months later* 

my family says they will help me harm myself. home is hell. life is hell, because bakugo started bullying me when hito lied to him and said that i thought he was a $#(($*#))('$"$)$*)** .  the only thing keeping me alive is thinking it'll all be over soon enough. i plan my suicide for 3 years from now, on a new building they are making. it will be more than 70 feet tall, quite tall enough for my needs. but the building  will take 2.5 years to build. the extra time i will take trying to do my best at life before it ends. my family is now abusive.

sorry guys, this is a nessecary evil. i hope...  btw not to spoil sh!t but the next chapter is a big time skip.

(adopted from @DaWeirdUwu ) ball of sunshineWhere stories live. Discover now