College sucks

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Mrs.Daniel paced back and forth around the room in front of all the students.

"All people are different when it comes to mental health-"

Eli was in space thinking about the up coming exams in all her other classes. The stress was starting to get to her. She only had a few nights to study before her exams were here and ready to take. Tonight was the last night before exams. After that she was out for spring break.

The sound of a bell filled Eli's ears. She looked up to get the last few notes she could down and threw her things into her bag. When she was out the classroom door she stared blankly into the crowd of people as she walked to the double doors before exiting the building. She grabbed her phone out of her pocked and wrote her best friend James.
                 (Time skip)
Eli followed James into the apartment and threw herself onto one of the beds dropping her bag along the way.

"Rough day?" James asked.

She nodded and yelled into her pillow. She had known James since elementary school. She never liked him as a partner but took him as more of a brother figure. He was always there for her when he needed it.

Eli sighed and looked up at James who was concerned. She sat up and redid her hair into a low ponytail.

"I'm going to the library to study." She stated in a blunt tone.

James didn't know how to respond. He looked at her sadly.
"El's you are over working your self take a break."

Eli looked at him with a serious expression on her face.

" James you don't understand these exams determine whether I get a job or not." She looked at him with empathy on her face" I'm going to the library I will be back at around 10."

"No." James said with no hesitation.

Eli stood up with anger flashing in her eyes."" was all she said before she picked up her bag and headed to the door.

James walked over to her quickly and yanked her arm causing her to fall back. She landed with a big thud.

"OW WHAT THE HACK JAMES!?" She yelled.


The next thing she knew she had slapped him while crying and ran out the door. Her eyes stung as she cried. She got her key and got into her car driving to the library.

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