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|The Beginning|

"CHAPTER 1"|The Beginning|

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Naruko's POV
I see......i came back 3 years before the accident....sai must notice it too ill write a letter about it,we should meet the next ceremony that my great grandmother will throw all royal palace and noble's are invited i should see sai there........and sasuke....

Dear Sai.
I think you might notice too that we are back 3 years before,we should be careful before the accident.i probably wont have a reply from you since your head hurts too same for me.i probably see you to Lady Tsunande Ceremony Ball let's talk thru things after that.
Naruko U.

"Bella please send this to the 7th prince in the west"Naruko said giving it to the maid,while the maid was kinda surprise the royal princess sending a letter to the 7th prince?it was famous rumor that the two of them not get along"Be sure no one read it and give it directly to the prince"Naruko said"Yes,Your Highness"Bella the maid said taking the envelope and bowing heading out of the room

"Your Highness,your mother request to have a tea with you this afternoon should we get ready?"The other maid said"Yes lets get ready i dont want my mother to wait"Naruko said

Naruko's POV
What will happend can we even change it in the future we should learn more its more suspicious that one of the royal family was in that plan i guess sai will think that too but i shouldnt think more i need to calm down its in 3 years we have more time to found out more.

"Your highness were done"The maid said,i looked into the mirror i looked pretty......the last time i saw myself was scared ofcourse i could be scared the future was so mess but no need to worry i need to change it no matter what.

I stand up from my seat and headed towards the garden where my mother was waiting we will probably discussed the ceremony.

As i entered the garden i saw my mother seating drinking a bit of the tea i see mother is besutiful as always.

"Mother,im here"Naruko said seating,"Ah!my daughter looked so pretty i have no wonder where you got that beauty!"Kushina said"Thank you mother your beautiful as always too"Naruko said smiling"Here you should have some cookies and tea's"Kushina said

"Anyway i was asking if you already picked a dress for the ceremony,i dont want you to be late again last time you forgot the dress that you want to wear so im just reminding you"Kushina said"No worry's mother i already picked one,and i heard from father that you and him will just stay half the day in the ceremony is there a reason?"Naruko said drinking the tea

"Oh its just your father will have a meeting with the noble so we cant stay longer in the ceremony,you can stay longer in the ceremony if you want ofcourse"Kushina said"Then ill stay longer then i have some business....."Naruko said

The two if them continued there conversation till the afternoon ended.

Naruko was sleeping so peacefully until the sun shined into her face making her face frowned and opening her eyes slowly and blinking looking at the ceiling

"Your Majesty its already morning the king and queen are waiting for you in the dining hall"Bella the maid said"I already prepared your bath and clothes young master"Bella said

"Then we should get ready before my mother throw a tantrum again"Naruko said standing up and started to take of her clothes

Naruko remembered one time that naruko slept till afternoon her mother got angry and dragged naruko to their father office just to have lunch.dont want that to happend again.

Naruko got down to the dining hall seeing her mother and father seating waiting for her"Mother,Father im here we should start eating"Naruko said seating

"Anyway love what time will we leave for the ceremony"Asked minato"Oh,Lady Tsunande said that we should go their in 1:00pm"Kushina said"isnt that too early"Naruko said"Well there will be an opening ceremony you know adult talks about business the ceremony will start in 5:30,but me and you father will leave in 5;00"Kushina said"Anyways your mother informed me that you will stay longer in the ceremony do you want me to leave a guard with you?"Minato said looking at naruko"Its okay father i just need a carriage way back home"Naruko said

"Well then if you say so"Minato said"Oh ah father i forgot to tell you since you and mother will come to the ceremony in 1:00pm can i come in the ceremony in 3:00?"Naruko said"Sure no problem you great grandmother wont mind that"Minato said"Thanks Father"Naruko said smiling

Naruko's POV
After breakfast i went to the library i need to find something that will help me in the future,i mean in the past i didnt learn anything but i did learn swordmanship a litte

I entered the library taking some books called "The 9 bijuu" and "History of the Uchiha's" and "Jutsu's" and "The Goal Of The Uchiha Clan" and "Forbidden Jutsu"

I picked this for some reason i have a feeling that uchiha is involved in this accident the book "The Goal Of The Uchiha Clan" is the book of the clan's goal to make and some rule's in the uchiha royal palace.

The bijuu.....in the past they got sealed.....i need to prevent that.

In the past i never done some research all i did in the past was to get to sasuke to like me but there's no time for that i dont need anything from sasuke anymore.i will be just wasting time.

If you're asking me and sasuke were childhoodfriends but i think sasuke never thinked of me as friend he hated me until now he said i was annoying and in the past he almost.....nothing no need for that i dont need him sasuke can just back off i should focus into the future problems.

I came back to my room with the book in my hands i tooked out a notebook and pen in my cabinet and sat in my chair and started reading the books and writing notes i only need to write what i need to know and need.

As i was finishing my note's someone knocked on the door"Your Master,it's already 1:45pm we should get ready for the ball"The maid said"Yes please come in"Naruko said standing up,the maid was holding some towels and the dress that naruko was going to wear and naruko's jewel box too

"Then Lets get ready..."Naruko said

(Chapter 1 end!!!woah this is my first time writing a long chapter wait for chapter 2 it will come out soon!)

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