Hospital rescue

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(You know what? I just gave up on trying to get away from this, i hope you like the story and go rape the nearest person or something for all I care unless it's food, i will see you at the end of this story *whispers very fast* I still have the bucks so if you still wa-*gets hit with a cow* ok ok! Enjoy the story!)


Adam and Amber wait at there house trying to figure out what will happen to Maddy as she was badly wounded in the hospital. In the meantime, Maddy's mother, is on her way to the teenagers house hoping to find her child. As the doctors run many test with needles and taking many blood samples they are still trying to figure out a cure. Maddy is still unconscious from the lost of blood from her leg, and I swear if I sound like the announcer from Pokemon your dead.

"Ok, so what's the plan on getting her back here?" Amber said pacing around the room quietly.

"That, I have not found out yet, but we will think of something" Adam replied not that aware of Ambers pacing.

"Oh no, not we, you, you got her in this mess, you just made me do the heavy work of getting her to the hospital, you get her out" Amber said and continued to pace around the room back and forth.

"Well we don't have much t-" before Amber could finish the door creeks open to reveal a women in her 30s with red hair and light brown eyes and wore a red dress, behind her was a man, with grey hair and blue eyes, he wore a striped plain shirt and jeans. But what surprised the teens was the army behind them of at least 20 men.

"Well, where is she?" The mother asked and walked into the room with the man following behind her and the people staying behind all ready knowing they would all get stuck in the house.

"Is that really ok? Bring strange people over here? How rude." Amber said crossing her arms over her chest.

"Wheres my daughter" the man said. Everyone stared at him even the army when he said this.

"W-what?..." Adam said not quite sure from what he meant. The father glared at the boy and walked over to Maddy's mother.

"We got married, so Maddy is my daughter. Where is she" he stated using a serious tone while holding the mothers hand.

"She's in the hospital, if we would have kept her here she would have been dead" Amber spat at the man who used a rude tone to her.

"well it looks like we are going on a hunt, let's role" the man goes on all fours as the bones rearrange themselves into a thiner layer and a eased stomach. The man turns into a spotted hyena as the mother turns into a red wolf.

The army turned into large animals as hypos, rhinos, Eagles, foxes, and dingos. They run out of the house with the army following behind.

"Oh no.." Adam whispered to himself all ready knowing what they plan on doing.

"Oh yes.." Amber whispered beside him. He looks back at her with a confused face.

"ANIMAL BREAK OUT!" Amber shouted and took form of a small bear while running out of the dirt now covered in footsteps and paw prints.

"....WAIT FOR ME" Adam yelled as he also, took form of a much larger bear and run slowly trying to catch up to the group.

Everyone was at the road that divided animals and people. Even if people don't know it the animal-like people are everywhere, that's why animals from far away can go in many places.

The father yiped which was the signal, as all the animal crash into the cars and head strait for the hospital.


This one was smaller but that's since I will be posting all of these chapters at the same time which I decided 10 at least, I will still continue to make chapters just not as fast. But I hoped you all enjoyed and if you did smash your face on the vote button- actually don't do that, that would hurt. Hit the button like a normal person and I will see you all later, peace✌🏻️

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