Odd couples?

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(And you made it to chapter 9....you know what, I'm just Ganna erase that number and go to like 20 *tries to use an eraser on the number* gr, fine. Be that way *gets a flame thrower* well I'm going to be Hear you awhile, and continue reading! *puts on medal mask*)


Maddy was still not awake and the doctors continue to try and find anything that could help solve this, but no luck. Moving up and down the hall ways getting supplies for more operations they all freeze. The sound of running.

And a lot.

Everyone heard the glass shattered from the window and doors running in each direction hoping to find the daughter. But the all remembered one small detail after the crash.

They don't even know what she looks like

All animals turn towards the mother as a wolf.she shakes her head and they all follow behind her quietly trying tip-toe which looked....not promising. They continue to open doors as time pass.

Adam and Amber sneak though the broken glass door and all ready knowing which room she was in, started to run down the hall way.

"Ok, we find her, give her to the mother, and we are out" Alex said running to the elevator. Amber stops in her tracts.

"What" Adam asked turning around.

"A wolf. Married a hyena. Find something odd" Amber said trying to prove her point.

"Odd animal couples? Let's go!" Adam said tapping his foot on the ground.

"Common! We know you like her~" ambers added as Adams expression never changed.

"So what if I do? I'm a bear, she's a wolf" he said and ambers eyes sparkled with victory.

"You proved my point! Odd animal couples!" Amber said jumping up and down grinning.

"Well you just killed a little bit of me inside" he said in a whisper voice. "But your right, something's up, and what goes up must go down" Adam said a crapy line and they both ran to find Maddy's room.

In the meantime, the animals have looked in all the floors but the top on. Of corse. They make there way tired out as Adam and Amber ran to the same door.

"Don't open that door!" Amber yelled at the animals.

"And why not?" Said the man going back to human form.

"Cause...U-uh....EBOLA!" Amber yelled and all the animals from Africa ran away, leaving the wolf, the hyena all ready knowing it was a trick, and Eagles.

"Dang it! Dumb people get back here!" But the animals ran away not paying attention, running back to the forest.

While they where watching them leave, the mother does something finally and opens the door to the room, laying in a hospital bed, was sleeping Maddy.

"My little girl" the mother said to herself and the-well man ran pass her to the bed.

"Finally, wolves are getting rare now..." The man said."and now your hear..." He said touching her forehead.

Maddy yawns.

Wait...don't..no! I want to be a narrator! NOO....*fades away*

I open my eyes to see a bad looking man in front of me. Darren. I jump up but feel stitches moving around on my skin. I look on my leg to see it wasn't as bad as before, but it was tied around a rap.

But I didn't fall.

I look over to see another guy, who...wasn't that bad looking. I dust myself off.

"Thanks.." I said looking down. I stare at the floor until He puts his finger under my chin making me look at him eye level, as I scan my eyes looking at his blonde hair and green eyes.

This guy is a player.

"Hey beautiful" he said and winked. I did blush because no one ever gave me a compliment like that before.

But I think that just gave him more courage.

He snakes his arm around my shoulder not paying attention to the other people in the room, and Darren smirks and walks out along with the mother. Amber and Alex where still here.

I shook off his arm. "Maybe next time" i said. Not.

"Trust me, there will be a next time" he said close to my face and his breath hit me. Ew brah. Ever heard of Brushing your teeth? If I was a slut that would be a for real turn off.

I mentally high five myself for the best comeback, that I didn't say cause I'm not mean like that. Yes I am. No I'm not. Yes I am. No-

"Well, maybe not, I'm not in good health" i said walking and limping, trying to stop the argument in my head.

"Then let me help you" he said putting his arm around my waist and on the back on my legs, sweeping me off my feet.

"...fine, only because I'm too tired to walk" i said and he began to walk out the door, out the hospital.

"Where are we going?" I said and he replies back.

"To the pack house. You, me, and your mom are the only wolves. One hyena, a raccoon, 2 foxes, and a kangaroo" he said rolling his eyes.

We made it to the house and I first see two girls, locking arms, bright red hair, a white dresses with roses. twins around 13 years old.


I look again and I see a guy sitting on the roof by himself, brown hair, grey jacket, and a small black mask.

Raccoon or burglar.

I see Darren sitting in a tree asleep. I should throw a rock at him, but the raccoon beats me to it. He jumped off the roof landing on the branch Darren was sitting on, making him fall, and the raccoon boy, not a care in the world. Darren groans while standing off the ground now completely covered in wet mud.

I slightly laugh as I walk i the house, all ready wanting to explore.

Basement. The best places.

The door to the basement was easy to find, a long stair case led down into the shadows. Interesting. Walking down I heard a medal rod drop.

"What are you doin here, mate"it was an Australian voice, but with American 'slang' in it, which sound different.

"Just exploring strange voice" i said as if I come across things like this everyday. The lights come on and I see a tall man, buff, dirty blonde hair, he had boxing gloves and a mini-ring in the background, along with a punching bag. It was like a gym.

"What's your name little fella?" He said looking down at me.

"I'm Maddy, and you are?" I said throwing the question back at him.

"Mike. Just mike" he said smiling and taking off one boxing glove, holding out his hand. I grab his sweaty hand shaking it.

I think I made a friend who wont kill me.


One, no I'm not trying to say Australian voices all say 'mate' or something, that's why I put American 'slang' cause, well we dump tea in a harbor and go to war, and we wear the best outfits ever *a model wearing bubble rap* ok that really did happen, best outfit ever. And agin I'm not trying to be offensive! Peace! ✌🏻️

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