Chapter 1

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He was sitting on a chair he put outside, watching the night sky.

He was weak. So weak. He knew he was going to die. He knew it was too late. He remembered the old days. Oh how strong he was! They bound to him. He didn't think they ever respected to him for real, but they at least feared him. Now they just toyed with him. Everybody laughed at him. He was the "Sick Man of Europa" ( Funny how he suddenly became "European")

It all changed. Slowly. Painfully.

  He- He did wanted to be modernazied, Damn it! He knew he had to keep up to stay strong.

He even liked science. But his rulers didn't. 

They weren't farsighted, they were stuck in today's success. They had a terrible bigoted mindset. He couldn't persuade them to be modernazied. They killed or banished the scientists.

But it wasn't all their fault tho. One of the reasons why he fell was that he let his people forgot who they are. He forgot who he was.

He forgot he came here with his father, Seljuk about one thousand year ago on horses. He forgot-

He forgot who created his empire. Who were the core.

He became Arabised, he almost lost his language ,his culture, his history.

How hard his son, Turkey tried to make him remember. His eldest didn't care but Turkey did. He tried to tell him that he was going to get betrayed, cause he may forgotten what he was, but others never did. How deeply he has been sleeping?

Lately his people started to remember. Because all ethnics under his rule were hit by nationalism, and started to gain their independence.

They were last to hit. And they remembered. Some resisted. But most remembered. They remembered that they had history. They had a language. 

Which bonded them together,They wrote poems, books, theatre. 

They were waking up. So was he. But it was too late for him.

Joining WW1 was a huge mistake. No way that they were going to win. 

And they weren't wining. He was barely defending himself. He didn't had hopes to wining Gallipoli war, but when the news came that the war has been won, By a general called Mustafa Kemal, he was so grateful to him. Which caused to Russian Empire to fall, ( You were laughing at me ha Russia? But you fell before me.) 

He had lost the war.

He was sitting on a chair he put outside, watching the night sky. He sighed.

He got up , put the chair back inside, he went back to outside. He looked up and stared at the moon in crescent shape for a while.

Then he waited.

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