Chapter 3

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He had woken up earlier than everybody else and finished his breakfast. Now he was drinking his second tea while everybody else were eating. Ottoman Empire was thinking about last years of his life. About how he left a wreckage of a country to his son. Oh, how much he was afraid that he will came here too! He was fighting against world's strongest countries after all. But his son had won. He was very happy when Kingdom of Greece came intead of him

He was really happy but it was still bittersweet. He can't keep the thought of everything being his fault. Because it was. He realised everything too late. He had destroyed himself. He hadn't learn from his father's mistakes. His son paid the price of his arrogance. He was being grieved as he thought about stupidities he had done and let done. Actually they never left his mind.

He realised he had been staring at his tea for twenty minutes. Some other people also seemed to realise as a hand touched his shoulder. When he turned his back he saw her sister Crimea Khante.

"Are you alright? You have been staring at your tea for half an hour"

He tried to smile

"I am fine, don't worry. Just lost on thoughts."

His sister wasn't foolen. She sighed and sat next to him.

"Stop blaming yourself. İt is only harming you now."

"Older sister I am not blaming myself. The things happened are really my fault."


"I am fine, don't you worry."

He drank his now cold tea in one go and left the dinning room. As he left, he acted like he didn't see the sad look of Crimea Khante, glare of Kingdom of Greece, and confused look of German Empire.

He went to his room, went to his balcony. Balcony was seeing a big prairie, Somewhat visible mountains can be seen very far away. He went to the edge of the balcony, opened his wings. Like his sister's wings, golden feathers were glowing. He flew straight. He wasn't going to fly to the mountains, he had a garden he made himself in the middle of the prairie. He would clean his head by taking care of them. Maybe the river in the prairie wouldn't be that cold this time too.


When he came back, the sun was going down. In this hour, usually everybody would be in their rooms. Except him and Russian Tsardom. Britain sometimes went for walks. He bumped into his eldest son while going to his room. They weren't getting along well. They stared at eachother. Neither of them talked. After staying like that for a while, His son left. He decided to go to library before going to his room. İn this library they had every book have been written, in every language. He usually read history books. He decided to read a book till he get sleepy, but he just couldn't focus on his book. The thoughts he had in the morning had returned. And maybe for the millionth time, he thought: "I wish I could fix it..."

He said it aloud

He realised he had been staring at same page for half an hour. He put his book back, He greeted Polish-Lithuanian Union who had been reading a book ( Weird, he had never seen him in here at this hour before. He has been trying to be nice to him since he learned his sister and him became close friends. İt wasn't hard, Polish-Lithuanian Union was a well mannered person ) and left.

He had started to feel extremely tired. His eyes were closing as he opened his door. He barely threw himself to his bed. As his eyes were closing, he saw his hands were getting whiter. "I will be in my Seignory flag then" He thought. He fell into a very deep sleep.


He suddenly woke up. He had seen a very weird dream. İt was early. He was breathing deeply. When he realised the room looked different, he looked around, horrified. He remembered the room but...He got up, walked around a bit, touched the furniture. He thought about leaving the room but decided not to leave. He sat on the bed and tried to calm himself down.

"Wh- How?!"

It wasn't his voice but it was familiar. It sound younger.


His eyes set upon the mirror in front of him. A young, frightened and confused face was looking at him. His hair was black as coal. His skin was white and in the middle of his face there was a yellow symbol. He couldn't understand what happened. "I am dreaming." He thought. He slapped himself. It didn't wake him.

"Stop hurting yourself"

He saw the papers on the desk. He picked them up one by one and read them. Then he stopped as if he remembered something, looked under his bed. There was a tiny chest. He swifty pulled the chest, put out a lot of papers. They were his diary. The memories were his. The Handwriting as well. He put the chest away and returned to the papers, took up the last one and looked at the date.

"You have been given a second chance"


"Do not waste it"


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