Chapter 4

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He was startled when the door was knocked.

"Brother, are you alright?"

Crimea Khante. She use to live with him before. Before she was established

"I am fine, everything is alright"

He was having a deja vu. He found it a little funny.

"Can l enter?"

He hesitated a little, then opened the door.

Crimea Khante went in and looked at the messiness in his room.

"I had lost a paper."

"Why were you looking for it this loud!"

Ottomans smiled

"Exuse me for being so loud. Go back to sleep, everything is fine."

"Alright, alright. Ruling a country is hard after all. Everybody is looking at your mouth"

He hugged her. Crimea Khante who couldn't understand why he hugged, stared confusedly. Then she left. "This time you won't collapse. I won't let it happen" he thought.

After she left, Ottomans took some empty papers and started to wrote down everything he was going to to as a draft. He already planned what he was going to to more or less in afterlife but it would be better if he wrote them down. He needed to change the system from start but needed to do it slowly. He was going to make the legal language of country Turkish. Karamanids were right. Despite being rivals, he needed to accept that. They used to get along well...before their father became sick. Focus. They need to keep giving importance to science. If he manages to keep scientists in Constantinople running away and make them work for him...

Suddenly, the thought of if he becomes successful, he was going to prevent a lot of countries from establishing. He tried to ignore that. He had been given a second chance and he was going to use it.


He finally finished writing and put them into proper order. He would put new things in future. He put them into the chest he put his diary into. No one would look there (He hoped so. He will put them there till he finds a better place ). Then he proceed to do work that have been given to him. He could start to change things from there.


He finally finished it. And managed to repress some arguments. "I really don't like paperwork" he thought. Unfortunately, he would be having them for a long time.

He went to the smithery to have some time off.

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