Yuma Mukami x Reader

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This one was requested by @Black-Angel-16 ; hope you like it!


You tried your best to keep quiet as you walked slowly down the hallway of the Mukami mansion. All four of the brothers were in bed, but you could barely sleep at all and staying in bed awake for hours wasn't appealing to you at the slightest. You fumbled your way through the pitch-black mansion, but finally made it to the entrance room and turned on a dim light. Your eyes circled around the room, and you sighed to yourself. What were you even going to do here? The only thing that came to your mind was to read a book or listen to music through your earbuds, but you would easily get bored of those quickly. It wasn't fun with no one to talk to.

You sat down at the edge of the couch nearest to you and rested your head on the arm of the couch while drawing your legs up to the side. Perhaps you could at least try to get some sleep here...

You closed your eyes and tried to focus on nothing, but your mind kept wondering from one thing to the next. Soon the images in your head grew darker and darker, and you felt nauseous as you slowly began to drift into slumber.

Suddenly, your eyes snapped and you immediately stood up from a voice that startled you. You struggled with your balance for a moment because of the hasty change in position, and it took you a while to realize you hadn't even registered what the voice had said since you had been so frightened.

You looked straight ahead to see someone's chest a few feet away from you, and you tilted your head back to hold Yuma's eyes in your gaze. You took a small step backwards and swallowed some of your saliva. Yuma was the only one of the vampires that ever frightened you, and that was the reason you never socialized with him too much. He seemed scary to you, and you didn't know what he was capable of doing, so you tried to avoid him as best you could. Now, however, the two of were alone and there was no point in trying to get away from him.

"W-what do you want...?" You stuttered out slowly.

"I asked what 'ur doing here, Sow," he replied roughly to you.

You swallowed again and looked down before answering him, "Oh... I, uh, couldn't really sleep, so I j-just came here..." Your voice trailed off as you struggled to think of more to say.

"It looked like you were sleeping to me," he said before you had much time to say anything else. He sounded a bit angry to you...

"Oh, ya... I guess a just found it easier to sleep in here..." You giggled slightly and looked back up at him with an innocent expression in hopes of easing the awkwardness you felt, but you still kept cautious of him.

Yuma only glared at you in response which caused you to be even more frightened. "You should be punished for getting up before the rest of us."

Your eyes widened and you gasped in fright. You didn't know what to expect next...

He pushed you back onto the couch and kneeled down next to you. You wanted to shout at him to stop, but you were to afraid of the possible consequences. He tilted your head back and pushed some of your (H/C) locks out of the way. He then fiercely drowned his fangs into the flesh of your neck.

You let out a small, quiet screech from how forceful the bite was. He kept sucking aggressively, and you felt that he would soon drain you entirely. You moaned painfully when his fangs began to tear your skin slightly. He sucked even more and began to softly grunt into the bite as you became weaker and weaker. The pain took over your entire body to the point where you began to enjoy it. One of your hands clenched the back of his shirt while the other held tightly to his hair as he drank even more from you. You felt your breathes grow weaker and you let out a gasp in hopes of catching more oxygen in your lungs.

Before long, your legs began to twitch next to him, signaling that you were about to pass out from the pain and blood loss. He removed his mouth from your neck which caused you even more pain that you took pleasure in. You were left squinting underneath him and trying your best to stay conscious.

Noticing how weak you were and not wanting to his brothers to discover you like this, Yuma threw you over his shoulders and went to his room to finish you off.

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