Subaru Sakamaki x Reader (LEMON)

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Requested by @Bloody-Cross

Alright, so... The reason why I haven't updating in quite a while was because I was writing this lemon (which, as I've mentioned before, takes me a long time due to the discomfort... it's actually getting a lot easier now, so that's good!), but I've also been working on a new story that I plan on publishing after I have a few chapters completely drafted~  It's going to be a reader-insert type, but it'll be with chapters instead of simple one-shots ^-^ And, yes, it will be Diabolik Lovers~~!! So keep your eyes out for it! :D

Aside from that--- I really hope all of you beautiful creatures enjoy this<3   I love you guys!!!


"S-Subaru!?" your shaking voice cried out as you entered his room and saw three new holes punched into the surface of his wall, along with a small table knocked over and shattered glass glinting across the floor.

Subaru turned around to glare into your panicking (E/C) eyes. "Tch! I told you to stay away from me!" he shouted at you aggressively as he quickly walked over to where you were standing.

Your heartbeat picked up as he grabbed your wrist tightly, his grip squeezing and pressing together your throbbing veins. "Agh...! Subaru, please stop...!" you pleaded as fear began to overtake the way your body anxiously trembled.

Ignoring your cries, he lifted your body from where you stood and dropped you harshly onto the bed. You gasped and your eyes widened as he leaned over you, as if ready to ravish you entirely because of something he couldn't control.

"Stop!" you begged once more as you felt his hands travel around and caress your waist, making your weak body shiver beneath his.

He, to your surprise, was able to quickly stop himself from moving his hands across your smooth skin. "You said the last time I tried this that you weren't ready for it..." he said while staring into your fearful eyes. His voice was forceful, but still gentle in a way to show that he truly cared about your feelings towards matters such as this.

"I..." your face flushed as you tried to answer him back, both flattered and embarrassed that he was kind enough to make sure that doing this was okay with you. You tried to imagine yourself loving him... Weren't you the one who swore that you'd never have someone touch you against your will? But... This would be your desire, too. Deep down, you had a strong lust for him to be the first and only one to see you exposed....

"I-I'm ready now, though..." you whispered quietly, considering what would become of the two of you as you spoke those words.

Subaru stared into you eyes that conveyed true honesty in your desires. Too eager and too embarrassed to say anything to you, he began tracing his hands down your waist until you felt his fingertips grazing upon the skin beneath the skirt you were wearing.

You placed your hands gently on his shoulders as he slipped your skirt off and began tugging at the buttons of your blouse. Feeling a little lost and inexperienced, you hesitantly started fiddling with the buckle and loops on his belt while your face heated up even more.

"H-Here... I-I'll help you," Subaru said quietly once he had taken your blouse completely off and noticed how your shaking fingers were struggling.

You glanced up quickly to gaze into his face. He had his eyes averted away from your own, but you could see a fair shade of pink that dusted along his pale cheeks. You watched as he quickly undid the buttons and zippers that kept his pants in place before sliding them off along with his shirt. Leaning over you, he began pulling down your panties that had gradually gotten damper with ever anticipating moment.

"Subaru..." you breathed out as you watched him through your eager eyes, "I'm truly ready..."

He looked down, avoiding your desperate gaze, and said nothing to you as he took off his own undergarments. You then felt the walls of your clit being forced apart as Subaru pressed his throbbing member inside of you, making your body ache from this new experience. You couldn't help but let out a strained gasp as he tried to make his way inside of you as slow as possible.

He breathed heavily and grunted your name softly once he was already halfway in. He struggled to go as slow and gentle as he could, but it wasn't easy for him because of his uncontrollable ways of going about things, and it didn't help that you were already a mess of lustful moans.

You shut your eyes tightly and arched your back, trying your hardest to resist the urge to scream as Subaru thrusted quicker into you. It wasn't long before you had your limit and began begging him to let you release...

He struggled slightly to pull out of you before coming onto the sheets, followed by you doing the same. The two of you stared blindly at each other, panting harshly in desperate need to regain the strength you had lost so quickly... And with your heart racing wildly through your veins, you were surprised to feel Subaru's lips softly lay upon yours before you weakly fell asleep beneath him.


That was really short, wasn't it....? Ugh, I apologize for the disappointment after such a long wait ;c

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