Laito Sakamaki x Reader

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So... The other day I finished playing Laito's More Blood route for the second time... and, well... I got the Manservant ending *shudders*

Despite how... horrible it was, it still inspired me to write this, so I hope you enjoy~~!


You stared over at Kou's dead body that was laying on the opposite side of the dungeon. His wrists had been chained together behind his back, and blood dyed the front and back of his shirt from when Laito had stabbed him all those months ago. Yet even in the state that he was in, he still somehow managed to look beautiful just as he had before both of your lives crashed into a brutal end.

You sighed miserably and tilted your head back so that it hit against the hard wall of the dungeon. All of this could've been avoided if your friend who was laying dead in front of you hadn't decided to push Laito's limits of jealousy. Though for you, this didn't end up in a fatal death like it had for Kou... It ended in being kept here for the rest of your life with only ever seeing or talking to Laito when he came down... Really, it ended in him being obsessed over you.

But... Weren't you the same? After being kept as a prisoner with no way to escape, hadn't you grown obsessed as well? You loved Laito, of course, and you knew Laito loved you- - even if it was a little too much... But apart from that, the love that the two of you held for each other and the foolish mistakes of your idolized friend was why you were even here in the first place. Did it really matter that the current relationship you had with Laito was incredibly unhealthy? You two loved each other a lot, so it was okay...


"Mmm...? Bitch-chaaaan. I'm back~"

You jerked your head up at hearing Laito's mellow voice echo through the cold dungeon walls. "Oh, L-Laito...! I... I'm happy you're here..."

His voice dropped down a little lower and possibly even sadder as he spoke to you, "Fufu... I wish I could believe you when you say that. You promised you loved me and said many times that you do now, but you continue to stare at that guy's lifeless body..." his footsteps got louder as he made his way closer towards you, his shadow becoming larger behind him as he did so. "Aren't we supposed to make each other happy now? It's been this way since you were brought to this torture chamber, yet you still don't seem to accept any of it..."

"Laito, it's not like that...! I do love you! Very much, like you said!" you replied in earnest as he continued to come closer to you. The long chains that kept your wrists, ankles, and waist held securely to the walls rattled all around you as you shifted yourself towards him.

"You don't. You still worry about that guy even though he's long dead. Fufu, it's truly a shame... How much love I bear, but it's not enough to please you."

"That's not true...!" you insisted while looking up at him as he stood over you now. "This... This is all just misunderstood."

He knelt down so that he matched your height from where you sat on the ground, and he picked up the knife that he kept on the floor beside you. "Isn't that a lie? You always say that every time, but I see the way you look at his body. You want him because he gave you pleasure that I couldn't, but I won't allow that. I love you, (Y/N)."

He sliced the skin of your shoulder with his knife, and you yelped from the sharp, stinging feeling it left you to suffer with. Fresh, warm blood dripped down your back and your chest as your unharmed skin was now cut open.

Laito spoke lightly while he stared at your gushing wound, "Even now... I'm parched."

"Laito? You mean... you didn't drink anyone else's blood at all?"

"No... How can I? After all, I love so, so, so much.... I don't need anyone else, and you don't either since you have me. Only you..."

His lips reached your shoulder, and he proceeded to drink from you mercilessly to satisfy his hungry, dry throat. The cut on your skin began to tingle and grow white from the way he ravished it greedily.

"Ah...! Laito, that's enough!" you shouted when both your shoulders began to tremble as he drained you to your breaking point.

He lifted his face from your body and stared into your pitiful eyes. "That's nice. Fufu. Scream like that some more- - let everyone know that you can cry like that for me."

Taking the knife, he cut your arm six times so that your blood coated your entire arm in that sickening thick liquid. You cringed out of pain and turned your face completely away from your dirty arm.

Laito immediately dove in and began licking, sucking, nawing, and completely draining your entire arm so that it was left pale with no feeling. Even when you tried desperately to move some of the chains out of the way, the only thing you were capable of doing was dragging your arm this way and that since you didn't have enough power to force it to do what you wanted.

"Laito...! It hurts when you do this..."

"Fufu. That's good, then. If you're able to feel this by my doing, I can show you how much I love you." He grabbed hold of the knife and held it up dangerously close to your neck. "(Y/N)... Where should this be dragged next?"

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