Episode 1

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A/N; I wrote this book imaging it as a serie thats why I'll name every part an episode. Hope you enjoy! ^-^ Hwaiting!


 At Oh family's house

       Knocks sounded on the door gaining the family's attention. Oh Hyun Jae frowned wondering who had paid them a visit early in the morning. His frown turned into fear barely had he peeked through the peep hole. Oh Jin Dal Rae noticed her father trembling and frowned.

     Oh Jin Dal Rae asked, "Abbeoji, is everything alright?"

      Hyun Jae jumped startled by his daughter's voice. He tried to pull a smile but Jin Dal Rae could tell something wasn't right. 

       Hyun Jae reassured, "Yes, don't worry. Go check up on your mother and make sure she's comfortable."

      "But Dad-"

      "Oh Jina, I can handle this. No need to worry," he insisted leaving no room for her to complain.

       "Ok." Jin Dal Rae hesitantly went to check on her mom. Hyun Jae slowly opened the door and the shark lenders invited themselves in. He tried to entice them to excuse him for another week he'll pay the money but they weren't listening. They took everything that looked valuable and destroyed the useless ones including the vase his wife had given her as present.

        The shark lenders are like a bank and generously lend people money. The problem comes when you fail to pay it back. If you don't pay back in time, they look for you until they find you and take away your valuable possesions.

      Possesions that they can sell to get their money back and Oh Hyun Jae had failed to pay back the money in time.

      "Can we talk this through please?" Hyun Jae was panicking. 

      "Ha! ha! Look at this stupid old man. We also have families to feed, stupid." one of the shark lenders said. "Our boss won't give us salary because some dumb people can't pay their loans so get that in your thick head."

      "But she excused me...Mrs Jang excused me. It can't be...there might be a mistake," Hyun Jae spoke confused.

      "Our boss Mrs Jang sent us here now stop wasting our time talking gibberish." the shark lenders snapped then continued with their work. Hyun Jae slumped on the floor and looked around the debris they left behind. He was broken Mrs Jang didn't keep her promise. Why are people so despicable and heartless?

      Hyun Jae didn't know he was crying until someone wiped his cheeks only to see his daughter kneeling in front of him with question and worry laced on her face.

     "Abbeoji, is everything fine? Who were those men?"  Jin Dal Rae asked and he sighed in defeat and remorse. He felt guilty for dragging his family into this mess so he apologised the her.

    "I'm sorry for bringing you and your mother into this mess."

     "We're in this together dad," Oh Jina said with determination then he pulled her in a hug before they cleaned the house silently. They didn't inform Oh Jina's mom about it though since she was sick and they didn't want to worry her.


At Cheongwon highschool 

     Two girls were walking down the hallway at Cheongwon but gasps of shock espaced them when two silhouettes in the locker room gained their attention.

    "Isn't that Sung Ha Bin?" the first girl asked the latter.

    "Yes but who is that she's with?" the latter whispered back.

    The two girls quickly spread the rumors around the school that Ha Bin was caught being intimate with another boy yet she was dating the other. When the rumors reached Jang Bobae her boyfriend, hell broke loose.

    Immediatetly the bell for heading home was rung, he dragged her out of school to confront her. 

    "I-Its not true..I-I - please don't break up with me!" Ha Bin sobbed on the ground. Jang glared at her but he couldn't take her back.

    "You promised to be faithful! You promised!" he shouted with anger, tears welling up in his eyes too. H  really loved her but he broke him so she a filthy cheat. She continued sobbing uncontrollably on the ground while he  walked away not looking back.

    "I'm sorry," she sobbed with guilt.

     A shadow cast on her so a relief smile appeared on Ha Bin's face when she thought Jang Bobae had returned maybe to give her a second chance. When she raised her head, her eyes widened with dread because it wasn't Jang who had come. 

     "P-Park T-Tae Hyuna?" she slowly crawled away from him in fear. He was the boy she was with in the locker room. Tae Hyun didn't give her chance for excuses because he held her throat and pinned her against the wall looking at her with ravaged eyes.

     Choked sounds filled the air.

    This frightened and shocked her further while she trembled in his arms.

    "I'm not you stupid play toy Ha Bin," Tae Hyun spoke, his voice low but scary. 

     "I-I won't...do..it..ag-" she was turning blue to shortage of air so let her go and she fell on the ground like a rugged doll gasping and coughing for breath. He really choked her.

    "You have to apologise to Jang. Don't play those stunts again because you'll regret it," he glared at her.

   "Yes I will apologise! I promise not to do it again!"

   "Twisted piece of trash. Never appear in front of me again." Tae Hyun's stone glare burned holes in her. With that, he flounced off but after planting fear in her. When Sung Ha Bin joined Cheongwon high, she was proud her beauty was able to captive the sons of two powerful families in Seoul but she used her charm unwisely.

     Ha Bin checked her body for any bruises and sighed in relief when she didn't find any. Well, except for the pink prints on her neck which she had to hide with makeup before going home.

    Some students who saw her messed, laughed and taunted her on her way home calling her indecent names but it was all her fault.



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