{:One:} I Lost My Virginity... Can I Have Yours?

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I Lost My Virginity... Can I Have Yours?

The chapters are gonna be shortish, as for those of you that are confused that was intended, but if you have any specific questions go ahead and ask and we'll try and answer them as best we can without giving too much away.

Hopefully this chap will explain a little of what's going on.


You know how there's always a time in your life when you question the sanity of those around you? Well now would be one of those times. I always wondered if my cousin was entirely sane, but now I'm starting to think that all those times he's fallen off the slides at the park when we were kids might have done some permanent brain damage.

I mean a person that's just found out their girlfriend of two years cheated on them on their birthday shouldn't be acting so... oh, I don't know happy? You'd think that with the way he was so near tears in the cafeteria today that he wouldn't be sitting here laughing, flirting with anything in a skirt.

“Are you sure you're okay?” Not only is watching my lovely cousin flirt with any girl that walks back confusing, its also starting to creep me out. I don't think I ever realized just how much of a horn dog he really is. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad he seems to be getting over my slutty best friend but sitting here watching him proposition some chick I know he's never seen before is kinda awkward.

“Of course I am,” His answer is distracted as the blonde sitting in his lap starts giggling uncontrollably, hitting his arm playfully when he starts whispering in her ear. Urgh, I don't think I want to know what they're talking about. “Now, like I was saying, I have most of the plan worked out, but until I get all the bugs ironed out you don't need to know a thing.”

“Why the hell not? If you want my help I'm going to need to know what to do.” You know I never realized just how hard it is to argue with someone when they're intent on ignoring your presence, annoying too. “Jer! Could you and Kandi stop sucking face long enough to explain this plan of yours?”

He sighs loudly, shooting me a disgruntled look when Kandi flushes and hurriedly walks back to the cash register and the long line she left waiting to flirt with him. “Do you have to be so rude? You know I'm starting to think you should have taken a ride on Nerd Boy when he was still new.” Tears prick my eyes at the realization that even my own cousin is willing to rub in my face that I'd dated the prick. “Jeez, Jessie come on don't start crying again, you know I was kidding. As for the plan there's nothing to discuss, I'll let you know the details when you need to know them.”

“And I don't need to now? How am I supposed to go along with this when I don't know what's going on?” I snap at him, ignoring the tightening in my stomach as the unwanted memories bombard my mind. If I ignore them for long enough they'll just go away completely, right? “And lets not forget the fact that you haven't even told me what the plan is!” He shushes me as several heads turn in our direction, people glaring at me for ruining their afternoon tea. Damn it, you'd think if they wanted peace and quiet they wouldn't go to the only coffee shop in town anywhere near the highschool. Morons.”What? Don't you people know its rude to stare?”

“Jess, shut the hell up, I'd like to get Kandi's number before you get us kicked out, again.” Yea, so maybe I get a little too loud when I'm angry, but most of the time its all because Jeremy's pulled another one of his stupid stunts and involved me in it just so he won't get into trouble alone. Almost as if on cue with his words Kandi walks over to our table, smiling apologetically at Jeremy, not once looking me in the eye. Well hell, its not like I meant to say she looked like a hooker, I only meant to think it. That's all.

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