• Chapter 4 : An End for Selection •

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( y'all like the McDonald's fries above?? )

'Breath of Love : Fifth Form : Swaying Love, Wildclaw!'

'The opening thread!' You saw the line between the demons neck , you position your sword
,as you cut the demons neck without a problem

"IMPOSSIBLE! MY NECK IS STRONG HOW DID YOU-" The demon cut themselves off , when you turned to face the demon with saddened eyes.

The boy who has tears streaming down his face , you helped him right away , as you heard Kyojuro in the distance

"Kyojuro!" You yelled , he ran towards you, help to see that you were ok,

"I found this boy , his eye is ruffed up , his eye will recover. I will go search the area for more Demon slayers , I need you-" Kyojuro cut you off "-I'm not letting you go by yourself again !"
Kyojuro tried to convince you that you and him should stay together , but it didn't seem to be working.

"I'll be ok!, I promise!" You cupped his hands , as you looked him in the eye.

He paused, and nodded , picking up the injured boy.

You held your sword , while running towards yelling demon slayers .

You saved 6 Demon slayers that day and led them safety to the Wisteria

- Time Skip to the end of Selection cuz Author-sama is a lazy b-word 🙇‍♀️ -

You made it back to the Wisteria , to be greeted by the two twins "Welcome back everyone ,
And congratulations, We're pleased to see your safe."

"We will start by issuing your uniforms, we've start by taking your measurements. Next your rank will be engraved on the back of your hand, for your reference, they're 10 ranks in total. "( uhh not listing all the ranks sister 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️ heck no )

"You all start at Mizunoto, The lowest rank of the Demon slayer Corp. in a moment, you'll be given the choice to pick an ore to forge your sword, however , it will be 10 to 15 days until your swords will be ready for you, but first, you'll all be given your own Kasugi Crow. They're used for communication"

"Now the time has come, please choose the ore you'll use to slay demons and to fight with."


"Hear that Kyojuro?!" You jump up and down with glee , pointing at the multiple ore on the table.

"They do look similar , but I'm sure we can pick.." you doubt yourself abit

Kyojuro smiles at your sudden burst of energy

- Time-skip again because it's legit 7:53am and I haven't slept , I'm a dead woman 🤢 -

You carried Kyojuro on your back , your flowery kimono has rips in it , You and Kyojuro were walking back to the Rengoku Residence

"Kyojuro , you awake?" You tap him , as he smiles and nods , still having his eyes closed

"We're here!-" You announced before Kyojuro jumped off your back and grabbed your hand , immediately running to the house

"WO-"  you were surprised by the sudden energy from the tired Kyojuro

"Mom! , Dad!" Kyojuro yelled as his parents ran out . Seeing you and Kyojuro

"Kyojuro!, (Y/N)!" Ruka and Shinjuro hugged you both

You were so happy to see them, it felt like forever since you've last been held in the arms of them.

Finally , you were home.

( I dumped water all over my head ) 😶‍🌫️

'Blissful Leaf' ( Kyojuro Rengoku x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now