• - Chapter 7 : Water Drops •

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"So Giyuu, why'd you become a slayer?" You sat down, it'd be dangerous to travel with Giyuu in the forest at night. You decided to stay in the village for a night

"My older sister sacrificed her life to protect me from a demon. I tried telling the neighbours, they all labeled me 'mentally I'll"

"Ah, that's really sad.." you looked down , preparing the futons

"Hey , don't worry though!, they did so because they want you to live the best life." You ensured

Giyuu looked sad

They really did care about him, he just never thought of it that way.

"Why'd you join?" He asked

"My parents and little sister were ..slaughtered  brutally by a demon, I don't know why I'm still alive." You clutched your hand

'It's true , why'd you have to be the only survivor?, aren't demons attracted to blood? , why wasn't I spotted?!'

"I wouldn't call it lucky, in fact I might of been better off de-" Giyuu cut you off , trying to change the subject.

"What'd you do at your old house?" Giyuu looked curious

"I got woken up by one of my parents each day, raced my little sister to breakfast each morning. Went hunting with my father."

Giyuu smiled "that sounds really nice."

"It felt nice " you ensured Giyuu

"The futons are ready."

"Oh. Thanks (Y/N)" Giyuu looked thankful , he'd be dead days ago if it weren't for you.

"Sweet Dreams , Giyuu" you closed your eyes , falling asleep



'Wake up , sweetie'

You felt the gentle touch of your father's hands on your face

'We're proud of you, don't forget that.'

"AAH!" You srung up, gripping your blanket

"Aah..it was just a dream" you place a hand on your forehead

"Giyuu, wake up" you shake Giyuu awake

"Oh..(Y/N)" Giyuu rubs his eyes

Looks like he slept well, I'm glad.

You fold the futons , placing them back

"I hope to see you sometime again Giyuu!, you can keep the futon just incase" you smile , waving your goodbye to Giyuu

"Bye (Y/N)!" Giyuu smiles , waving you off

( Giyuu moments are super awesome 😎🕵️‍♀️ )

'Blissful Leaf' ( Kyojuro Rengoku x Reader )Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu